Question about immune system?!

Question: Question about immune system.?
I'm pretty sure I have a really poor immune system, as I catch colds and illnesses very easily, compared to my family and friends. Looking into other possible health problems I have, a poor immune system is part of the cause. So I was wondering, how do you improve your immune system, is it possible.? I'm trying to avoid using medications such as pills or supplements, mind.

Many thanks in advance, have a nice day everyone (:Health Question & Answer

It has been medically shown that meditation and yoga can help balance our immune systems. I have an over active immune system so the same things that would boost your immune system, lower mine.
Below is what I use but it is geared towards digestion problems.Health Question & Answer

Good diet and regular exercise are the only other alternatives. Drink tea. Take walks. All these things help.

but....You may not have a worse immune system than may have worse HABITS. For instance, you say you catch a lot more colds--how much hand-washing are you doing.?

Cold viruses spread by touch more often than any other way. Handshaking, using surfaces touched by others who have colds, lots of contact with toddlers or young school children. Doorknobs, telephones, restroom handles--the flusher handle and the sink handles--supermarket grocery carts. Washing your hands regularly with soap can eliminate a lot of the viruses you'll pick up at these places. A lot of stores are offering disinfectant wipes where you pick up your carts. Wipe off the handles before grabbing one. Stay away from young children as much as possible. Toddlers are little germ bags. So are schools. Shared objects: pencils, pens, telephone handsets--all can be wiped down with disinfecting wipes. Carry some with you.

Pay attention to where you go and what you touch. I'll be you'll find your system isn't much worse than anyone else's--you've probably just gotten into the habit of being where the germs are.

Don't rely on that sanitizing gel--it doesn't do half the job that soap does.

Health Question & Answer

I find that eating ginger helps me during cold season. also, chamomile tea, research has found, can boost immunity to colds.Health Question & Answer

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