Question regarding prostate cancer?!

Question: Question regarding prostate cancer.?
My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer April of 2007. July 2007 he had the Da Vinci Robot remove his prostate. Now he goes in for regular checkups.....when he was diagnosed his PSA level was he just had the PSA again and it's .3. I know it's not nearly as high as what it was before .3 is a long ways from 4....but what does the .3 mean.? The doctor didn't seem concerned....and my dad is going to go back for a bunch of opinions. Just wondering if anyone can help me undestand what the .3 means. Can those cells be killed off with working out and eating well (which he already does)...or will he prb need radiation or hormone therapy.?Health Question & Answer

I had prostate cancer in 2005. I had Proton Radiation treatments at Loma Linda University Medical Center in Loma Linda Calif. Proton Radiation has no side effects to speak of and a 90% cure rate.. When I was there there were several people there who had surgery, harmone implants and the lupron that did not or was not working... and they were gettin Proton Radiation to get rid of their cancer. They didnt know about Proton Radiation at the time they had the other treatments.. I think it is the very best treatment available for prostate cancer today.. Id say your dad would be fine if he could have Proton Radiation. It is very different from conventional radiation. With Proton 90% of the treatment energy is directed exactly to the point being treated... there fore surrounding tissue and organs are not damanged and the treatment energy is delivered where needed in a concentrated from. There is a website called Proton Bob that tells about Proton Radiation and prostate cancer.. If you go there be sure and read the Patient Testimonial section and you will see how other former patients are as sold on it as I can probably find a testimonial or two from some who had other treatments that didnt work but later took proton and are just fine now.. also there is a book recently out called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER, written by Robert J. Marckini, a prostate cancer survivor. It is great. It tells all about prostate cancer and then tells all about all of the various types of treatments available today plus the pros and cons and side effects of each type treatment.. It can be purchased at barnes and noble and other book stores or on line at the Proton Bob website.. Its just my opinion, but from my experience with prostate cancer and the treatments.. I think your father would be fine if he could get proton radiation for the prostate cancer... Hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

It means he still has cancer. My prostate was removed in December 2007 and my psa was 1.77 after surgery. 3 months later it was 2.54. I am now on hormones to slow the growth of the cancer. If the prostate and all cancer is removed the PSA should be 0.0. If you live in the U.S. Prostate cancer is a 100% disability with Social Security, also for Vietnam Veterans. I would suggest hormones. Lots of side effects but they work.Health Question & Answer

This means that his cancer is nearly in check. Tell him to eat red peppers. Research studies have found that red hot peppers cause prostate cancer cells to "commit suicide".Health Question & Answer

The PSA is the prostate specific antigen level; this antigen tells the liklihood that a man has prostate cancer, basically. In most men, physicians want to see levels at anywhere from 0-4, so I am happy to hear that they caught his prostate cancer with only a level of 4. 0.3 is a great level. In my experience, when cancer comes back, the PSA will read something completely off the charts, and I've seen it as high as in the 120s. You don't really want to kill off your PSA cells because these will tell you whether the cancer has returned or not. I am a clinical research associate for a community clinical oncology program and the studies I mainly oversee are the prevention trials. The major prostate cancer prevention trial is called SELECT- the study of Vitamin E and Selenium. The results have not been released but it is strongly suggested that these two supplements are beneficial and both available at your local drug store.Health Question & Answer

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