Whats the most effective way to get rid of lice?!

Question: Whats the most effective way to get rid of lice.?
my little cousin has it, she said in class she scratched her head and a bug fell out..it makes me shiver thinking about it, lol. we're not sure if its lice or not. how can she get rid of it.?Health Question & Answer

Well, first thing you should do is get a fine toothed comb and run it through her hair. If there appears to be what looks like salt and pepper in her hair, then that is lice. Its dried blood and lice eggs. She should also be more of less constantly scratching her head. Lice tend to be pretty small, so if she "saw a bug fall out" of her hair that doesn't sound like lice to me. That sounds like there is bugs in her classroom and one ended up in her hair and fell out at a weird time.

That said, if it is lice, you can either buy an OTC lice killer like Nix or you can wash her hair with gasoline or paint thinner. Both will kill anything living in there.Health Question & Answer

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