I'm 20 and had an abnormal pap smear. The doctor found cancerous cells in my cervix..should I be worried? ?!

Question: I'm 20 and had an abnormal pap smear. The doctor found cancerous cells in my cervix..should I be worried.? .?
I had the same thing when I was around your age. They did a biopsy, and then froze my cervix. It was uncomfortable but nothing more than cramps. They found them again when I was pregnant a few years later. They couldn't do anything then because of the pregnancy but after I had the baby all tests came out fine. I am now in my late 30s and have not had an issue since. Don't stress yourself out until you talk to your doctor. Find out exactly what is going on and what the proper treatment is. This is very common and congratulations for being one of the smart women that get their exams. Health Question & Answer

I'd be concerned, but I'm sure your doctor will do further tests to conclude the final diagnosis. Detected in the early stage, it an be treated with favorable outcomes. In the meantime do some research on cervical cancer and choice treatments on line if it does not bother you...As a medical person, I always want to have a first hand info on my illnesses. Hope things turn out favorably for you.Health Question & Answer

Lots of people have this happen, get them removed and you should be fine. I had precancerous cells in my cervix around 23, had them removed and I am 27 now and they have not come back. You are only 20, cervical cancer is usually deadly when it is allowed to go for 10 years or so undetected. Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

My cousin and mom both had that. My cousin was also 20 but pregnant when they found hers. They had to go in and burn them out. It was uncomfortable. My mom was in bed for a couple of days.

However, with diet you can get rid of that by yourself, which is what I would try first.

You eat all Blueberrys, fruit and only vegetables, especially the dark green leafy stuff, and make sure to poop 2 times a day. *( if nto do a water edema )* and walllaaa, they should all be gone after 2 weeks.

Drink tons of water too. Do NOT eat meat, milk, dairy, pop, candy, anything man made. Health Question & Answer

Sort of the same thing happened to me. Had an abnormal pap smear more than once. I had a cervical biopsy. They just told me to come back in 6 months. Now I am due for another appointment.

I've found that there is really no point in getting all worked up and worried about it. Do what the doctors say. If they have caught it early enough they can usually work with it. Especially with todays medicine. Health Question & Answer


I am so sorry to hier that.

I think you should be fin i can tell that you are ston person. if you are stron then you will be fin. If you wont to now more about it you should look it up on Google or somthing like that.Health Question & Answer

I wish that I could give you the answer that you want to hear but you want honest right.? Yes, you should be worried. Are you sure it was not precancerous cells.?Health Question & Answer

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