I just found out I have type 1 diabetes. Is it alright for me to get drunk every once in a while?!

Question: I just found out I have type 1 diabetes. Is it alright for me to get drunk every once in a while.?
By getting drunk, I mean having a couple shots and drinking like five or six beers through out the night.Health Question & Answer

When you are diagnoses with diabetes many people feel their life is over. They can no longer eat what they want, they have to start sticking themselves every day to check for blood sugar levels, and they must start exercising, even though they hate it. Then they realize that diabetes and alcohol don't mix either. Is there anything left for them to enjoy.?

The facts are diabetes and alcohol can co-exist if done properly. If you are going out for a weekend party or celebrating some type of family achievement, chances are there will be alcohol there and you will want to at least have a drink or two. This should not be a problem if you already have good control on your blood sugar readings.

Before mixing diabetes and alcohol, you should make sure that you are not experiencing any other complications from diabetes and you should not use alcohol if you are pregnant. If you have your diabetes under control there are ways to incorporate alcohol into your diet on a moderate basis. One thing you need to consider is the fact that alcohol is empty calories. This means the calories consumed by drinking alcohol have no nutrition benefits. If you are on a restricted calories diet you will need to adjust your food intake to compensate for the added calories of the alcohol.

The Mechanics Of Diabetes And Alcohol

When you drink alcohol your liver temporarily stops making glucose and begins to clean the alcohol out of your blood instead. It usually takes about two hours for one ounce of alcohol to completely metabolize and leave your system. The problem comes in when your liver stops making glucose you are in danger of becoming hypoglycemic. This means you sugar level might fall too low and you could possibly pass out. This is especially a problem if you drink on an empty stomach because there is already a low level of glucose in the bloodstream. Health Question & Answer

If your disease is under very good control, having a drink once in awhile is fine. Having a few shots is not such a good idea, but having a glass of wine or a few beers is better. When you drink, it causes the blood sugars to go very high, and then drop low. (many people think it only make your sugar low, but it does go high first) Many diabetics suffer hypoglycemia when they drink. This is actually part of a hangover in those that don't even have diabetes. It is one of the reasons non diabetics feel so sluggish and tired and weak and have the shakes the next morning. If you are a diabetic, this can be very dangerous. Cut down on your alcohol consumption, and just have a beer or two. High blood sugar levels can lead to eye, heart, and kidney damage.Health Question & Answer

Have you got your medication sorted yet. I would think not from what you say. Give it time and you will learn how to maintain the correct blood sugar levels. You must be aware that it can be highly dangerous so you don't abuse it. I know that if I have a family party, a buffet and a few beers then a small increase in my insulin will balance things out. Too big an increase is equally dangerous causing a Hypo ( loss of consciousness.) Just listen to your Diabetes nurse and use a little common sense. You'll be fine.Health Question & Answer

You have to be very careful with drinks and beer because they are carbohydrate based and that is what you will be basing your insulin off of is your carb intake. Give yourself time to adjust and know your body and meds first. Before getting drunk though, try just one beer and see what happens. Be safe.Health Question & Answer

Very short answer is NO!!!

none of us should go do something like that because our medications - insulins make the glucose go down!! Alcoholic beverages also make the glucose go down!! Syrupy drinks shouldn't be indulged in at all.Health Question & Answer

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