What if I have non-controllable risk factors?!

Question: What if I have non-controllable risk factors.?
I have a couple of non-controllable risk factors of getting breast cancer (my age, race, heredity). What can I do to decrease my chances of getting it.?

I need thorough answers not just one or two things, I need a list.

I have had cysts in my breast as well. So I think that I am very vulnerable to this disease!Health Question & Answer

I'm a cancer specialist MD (USA) How serious is the hereditary risk in you case.? This is a key question.

You have two very good, sensible, medically appropriate answers above, so I'll present the extreme answer. If I were a woman who had family members with breast cancer in their 30's - AND I knew that I had the breast cancer associated gene - I would CONSIDER bilateral subcutaneous mastectomies with implants. Subcut mastectomies are not a guarantee, but the risk should be reduced. You might have a devil of a time getting anyone to pay for these, and it would not be appropriate UNLESS you had a definite genetic risk beyond the risk every woman has.

Please understand, this is NOT a common recommendation in the U.S. It is extreme. I'm saying this is what I might consider if I were the one with a very high risk of breast cancer based on clear hereditary factors.

We do not know if you are in this very high risk group with multiple female relatives who have had breast cancer at a very young age. We do not know if you have the breast cancer associated gene. If you have neither of these, ignore my answer and follow the advice of my colleagues above.

If you wish to read about this from an excellent academic source, here's info from the NCI (National Cancer Institute - U.S.) : http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/g...Health Question & Answer

Hi I am James from the oncology unit at Musgrove Park Hospital in Somerset, you see the survival rate is brilliant for breast cancer and you should be worried but i just need to say that if the cancer is found early the survival rate is 90% but if it's found in a later that drops to about 10%-15% so check often for a lump or any skin change.

ways to avoid Breast Cancer
1. stay at a good healthy weight and check you BMI every two weeks link in source's
2. Exercise at least 1 hour a day this can be walking but i recommend swimming
3. talk to a professional I may work with cancer but I am not a Specialist in breast cancer
4. do not listen to anyone that is not a professional e.g this site I am a doctor that specializes in small cell lung cancer but i am not a professional you should speak to go and see a doctor
5. follow the American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for nutrition and exercise i do not live in America but this is a good form of reducing your risks
6. Avoid products containing oestrogen, progesterone, and pesticides this is important they are all a big cause of breast cancer.

if you want me to answer any more questions I will
Thank you for you timeHealth Question & Answer

The following are all risk factors, so cut them out if you can:
- Smoking. This is a risk factor for developing all sorts of very unpleasant illnesses, you probably know that. Watch out for second hand smoke as well.
- High fat diets. Cutting these out will improve your health in other areas as well
- High alcohol intake
- Hormone replacement therapy if you're reaching/in the middle of your menopause.
- High radiation exposure.

Hope this helps. I'm sure some of those factors seem pretty obvious, but everyone knows smoking's bad for you and millions of people do it anyway. Incidentally, having a lot of kids decreases your risk of breast cancer.
Regular self examinations can help a lot. If you find a lump, get it checked out.Health Question & Answer

I agree with inverse_mushroom_cloud. I wondered if your last ativar was an actual picture of you

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