I took 18,000mg of Vitamin C yesterday...?!

Question: I took 18,000mg of Vitamin C yesterday....?
I'm taking the vc to help me get better as I have a sinus infection and some sort of respiratory infection. I'm taking a 3 day Arythromycin pack and Tylenol Cold as well...

I took 3,000mg (1000mg tablets) as my first dose, then 3,000 again an hour later, then 4,000 later, and 8,000 before bed.

This is all okay right.? I found a website that suggested 8,000 at first, and 4,000 every half hour after...but today..I got this WOOSHING sensation of intense pain in my back and then up the front, and then up the back...It was amazing how bad it hurt and it was really strange. It happened about 5 or 6 times, even when I sat down....

Then it occured to me that an overdose of vitamin c, while not dangerous, can cause diarrhea...but I didn't have diarrhea. Just this weird whooshing sensation and horrible wave-like pain and muscle spasms under my ribs and gas.

Anyways so..my question is...Anyone got any suggestions before the diarrhea DOES show.? Oh god, I am totally dreading it...because I took like 10,000mg today as well and I can only guess what's gunna happen since the antibiotic also causes me to have an upset stomach whenever I take it...

I have mylanta. Will that help.? Will that prevent anything.?.?.?

Health Question & Answer

You'd probably be better off with taking about 200 milligrams of Vitamin C every 4 hours or so, but only because your body can't use much more than that so you just pee out the excess. But if it makes you feel better to take lots, go ahead, it's not going to hurt you.
As for the upset stomach, lots of antibiotics can cause that. Be careful with antacids, because they can sometimes reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, and then you are doing more harm than good. Ask your doctor or a pharmacist for recommendations there, and in the meantime, eat something or try a glass of milk when you take the antibiotic. That may not sound super appealing with your already upset stomach, but it will actually help you feel better. Food in your stomach kind of acts like a buffer against the sometimes painful effects of lots of meds. I hope you feel better soon! :)Health Question & Answer

What on earth possessed you to take so much.?.? Have you turned yellow.?.? You only need a certain amount a day, the excess is just excreted when you urinate. Drinks loads of water and flush it out and don't be a dumb ****.Health Question & Answer

It may not happen and if it does that is that, don't take mylanta, that will only make it worse. If you're feeling bad it may be something else. Health Question & Answer

You're fucked.

Someone's gonna have a case of the mudbutt.
And it will probably smell bad.Health Question & Answer

you are just dumb stop while you are ahead!!.?.?Health Question & Answer

*I didn't even read beyond your first paragraph. Are you nuts.? Who takes 18,000 mg of ANYTHING unless under your doctor's advise. DO you know that sometimes taking things along with your antibiotics can make the antibiotics work NOT as well and make them absorb less into your system, thereby, causing them to be less effective.?

I'm sure your doctor didn't tell you to take the additional stuff you're takin', right.?

OK, I'm reading further on your question. Pain in your back and then up your front and then up the back can be an indication of pneumonia. I'm NOT saying it's that but that could be a symptom of it. I'm surprised that having that happen to you didn't prompt you to call your doctor again.

To help with diarrhea, you can take yogurt a few times a day but you have to make sure that you read the container and find that it contains "active cultures". Dannon is one of those. And/or, you can go to a drug store or any other place that sells vitamins and such --- like where you got your Vitamin C -- and buy acidaphileous tablets. They "replace" the "good"bacteria that is destroyed by the antibiotics and help to soothe your stomach. That's a fact. They're sold over the counter.\

Antacids like Mylanta can also interfere with certain medications. You know what.? At this point, if you don't want to call your doctor, I think it's best if you call your local drug store and speak to a pharmacist. They are VERY knowledgeable and you have to level with him or her. You MUST be truthfull in what you've taken -- all of the stuff, including the antibiotics --- and tell him/her how you're feeling now. They, although you might not think so, can be very helpful and guide you through this, almost like a doctor can. I've done that myself once or twice when it was after hours for my doctor. Give it a try.

DON'T now take additional stuff to help soothe what you've already done. Give a call to a drug store pharmacist. And, by the way, what makes you think that vitamins cannot be toxic. They can! Depends on which ones. "C" is pretty much excreted in the urine but even that can give your body an overload if you take it in the proportions that you did.

What on earth possessed you to do that.? I hope that's not a common practice of yours. I hope NOT. You can be really harmng yourself while you think you're helping yourself. Please, don't screw around and self prescribe. When you got the Rx for the antibiotics, it was then that you should have asked if it would be OK to take this other stuff that you planned to take and subsequently did.

I don't know if you are Gretchen or Ann but whichever one you are, a note to the other one: Please keep an eye on her, OK.?Health Question & Answer

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