Does my lipoprotein diagnostic panel actually look good?!

Question: Does my lipoprotein diagnostic panel actually look good.?
I am a male 21, going on 22 nov.6th, year old future medical student who has always had weight flucuations, very high to normal, and have been slightly overweight and have had above optimal blood work when requested by my doctors. I do not have any health issues, chronic problems, or life threatening disease. I do however would like to know if anyone would throw some input on what my lipoprotein panel says since my doctors find that being overweight and having extremely optimal profiles is confusing. No family history either of any heart related issues, but there is with Diabetes (note: I myself do not have it). Values are as follows:

Cholesterol is 180 mg/DL
Triglycerides is 32 mg/DL
HDL is 92 mg/DL
LDL is 82 mg/DL
VLDL is 6 mg/DL
and Cholesterol/HDL ratio is a 2.0 (ranges given say below average risk between 3.9-4.7)

Any input is great or chart/comparative numbers and averages to compare mine with would be also. Thank you! (I only ask because sometimes values look great, but may indicate otherwise)Health Question & Answer

Your total seems high, but HDL of 92 is excellent, and LDL of 82 is also very, very good. Your tri's are good too at only 32. Your LDL/HDL ratio is under 1.0 which is almost unheard of, as is your super high HDL.

You're very fortunate. That set of numbers should have you living a very long life, likely without heart disease.

Overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, since the heart works harder pumping more blood around. When you tire, there is more co2 in your blood stream, and it is an irritant that can cause lining damage which is how plaque is able to get a hold and begin to build up.

Losing weight, getting fit SLOWLY, and doing everything else you've been doing should have you living a 100 years. So you REALLY need to save for retirement, or plan to never retire.

Nearly everyone gets some plaque. I look slim and healthy, but needed an emergency triple bypass three years ago for near absolute total blockages. Too many trans fats, not enough fruit in my diet, and too much adrenaline from too many action movies while chowing down on salty popcorn. Health Question & Answer

Your lipoprotein panel does look really good. I can see why your doctors would be surprised by it if you are overweight. Optimal cholesterol levels are below 200, so you're good there. HDL is a good type of cholesterol that you want to have, and the normal range is between 40 and 60. Being high in HDL doesn't have any negative effects. LDL is the 'bad' type of cholesterol that cause plaque build-up in the arteries, so this shouldn't be over 110. Your's is at 82. Your triglycerides and VLDL are extremely low, which is surprising since you say that you are overweight. It should be hight, but maybe you have a really good metabolism. Yeah, judging by your profile you are healthy as a horse.Health Question & Answer

I'll throw in on your second question because as a med student you'll probably get this in your first month or so.

EVERYONE has some kind a plaque from when they are about 10-15 on. The LDL (which is a carrier of cholesterol) will bind to the cells in your arteries and can either be endocytosed or wait there for a bit and may be oxidized by any number of things. These oxidized LDLs will cause an immune response (that will be a LOT of fun to memorize when you get to school) which will allow for the deposition of fat inside a particular immune cell. These will build up and cause a fatty streak in the artery...and there is your plaque :) This is not raised or obstructive, but it is considered atherosclerosis.

Good luck in med school!

As of the lab values...sorry I'm just lazy to look up and type, but they looked ok!Health Question & Answer

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