Am I right to be a little scared of starting Accutane? Also... question about Yaz and acne/mood changes?!

Question: Am I right to be a little scared of starting Accutane.? also... question about Yaz and acne/mood changes.?
I have an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday to start get a prescription for Accutane.

Today, I had an appointment to change from Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo to Yaz, because Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo made my acne worse and made me emotional and anxious. How common is it for Yaz to clear up acne (particular the cyst-like blemishes... the painful kind that are "under" the skin).? And, how common is it for Yaz to make you emotional.? I'm really hoping that it'll be a good pill for me, and I know everyone is different, but I'm just wondering.

also, what can I expect if I start Accutane.? I've been reading horrible things about it - hair loss, dry skin, lips, etc... bad sunburns... liver problems... brain swelling.?! Is it worth it.? Because I've heard that a lot of people have their acne return just six months after the treatment.

I'm just so very tired of having bad skin. It's not pretty. And I've got excellent self-esteem, but the last couple of months, I've kind of just felt like hiding, because I can't get rid of these zits.

Is there an alternative to Accutane that works.?

My doctor prescribed me Differin today, so I'm going to be using that, as well... but... I don't know. I'm kind of debating whether I should cancel the appointment and wait to see if Yaz and Differin make a big enough difference. But part of me just wants to start some kind of major treatment immediately so I can get rid of it as soon as possible, you know.?

Any advice would really, really be appreciated... if you can answer either the question about Yaz or about Accutane, I'll love you forever.

Oooh and one more question. My doctor told me that on Accutane, two forms of birth control are a MUST. So sue me, I don't enjoy condoms... sorry. Don't lecture me about STD's, because I'm in a very committed relationship and neither of us have any... so... are condoms just something that'll have to be worn if I start this treatment, or is there another option.?Health Question & Answer

Yaz has very low doses of hormones so it usually doesn't cause mood changes. It's even recommended for people who have bad PMS. I would recommend trying it. As for the accutane, I would recommend exhausting all other resources before trying it. It is a hard-core drug. Make sure you discuss all other options first, if you haven't already I'd recommend seeing a dermatologist. The reason for 2 forms of birth control is that the medication can cause serious birth defects. You'll have to take a pregnancy test at your Dr's office every month and enroll in the ipledge program before you can get refills. The FDA has a fairly comprehensive list of side effects you can find here: Question & Answer

Accutane was a wonder drug for me.

Your baby will be beyond human recognition if you are so pompous as to not use birth control.Health Question & Answer

as far as the 2 forms of birthcontrol. Accutane guarantees birth
defects. That is why it is highly controlled. You have to go through a number of steps to fill it at your pharmacy. Suck it up and use the condom. I know people on the pill that now have kids due to the 1% chance. So yes there is some reason to be carefull not just concerned.
However I know a number of people who personally benefited from
being on the Accutane and no longer have acne when all other drugs failed. So I would give it a whirl be be careful to follow the directions to the T. I also know Yaz has not worked for a number of people, nor differin.
If one pill didn't make a difference I doubt another will.Health Question & Answer

I'm on Yaz.. I was on the one you were too (ortho..whatever) it made me gain 30 pounds. Yaz actually put me in a good mood, and I didn't have acne problems. My friend felt suicidal on Yaz...but she's weird so I dunno. I personally like it..if i were to remember to take it. Lol. It doesn't make me hormonal at all. But like you said, everyones different.

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