This girl I'm dating could possibly have HPV, she is going to get tested, but I was hoping to get some info?!

Question: This girl I'm dating could possibly have HPV, she is going to get tested, but I was hoping to get some info.?
This girl I am dating recently told me she might have contracted HPV, specifically genital warts, from her ex-boyfriend. I already told her that I will not even consider sleeping with her until she gets tested, of course she agrees, but I'm still concerned. If she had told me sooner I would have just broken it off, but now I really like her and want to give it a chance.

Here is my question, she was with her ex for a while and I'm assuming in addition to intercourse they also had oral sex. If she does have HPV, does this mean that in addition to not being able have sex with her (obviously), I can never even kiss her.? Can genital warts be transfered through kisses.?

To be honest, I'm not sure I can be in a relationship without sex, let alone without kissing at all. And; though I like this girl, I'm not sure if this is someone I could be with forever, that being the case, I don't think I'd be willing to catch it for her.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks!Health Question & Answer

70% of the sexually active population carries some form of the HPV virus. The scary thing is, most don't even know that they have it. The even scarier part is, the strains that are high risk for cancers do not cause the warts...they are symptom free until the abnormal PAP.

The person who already answered you is wrong; condoms *DO NOT* protect you against HPV...basically any skin-to-skin contact with any part of the body covered by your underwear could spread the disease.

It is incredibly rare to get warts on the mouth from oral sex; the strain of the virus responsible for genital warts doesn't generally set up camp outside of the genital area...that said, it can (and does) happen. I've never heard of the virus being spread through simple kissing though.

The good news is, most people completely clear the virus from the body within two years.

Ultimately it's up to you whether this is a deal breaker. I hope I have answered your questions sufficiently.Health Question & Answer

If you've EVER had unprotected sex, or slept with anyone who's ever had unprotected sex, you most likely have HPV. Men can carry the disease and never know. There is no true test for HPV and there are many different strains, not all of them are warts and it's not a death sentence.

You can't get genital warts from kissing, but you can spread HPV through kissing.Health Question & Answer

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