I need help right away please?!

Question: I need help right away please.?
ok well my dad got deported last year and he would tell me from right or wrong and wouldnt let me miss a day of school and not even 1 homework i was happy till that happened now i dont want to go to school and i wanna go to mexico with my dad i am 12 i am becoming a rebal with my mom and just wanna lay around the whole day what should i do i only went to school 1 day this whole week

help what should i doHealth Question & Answer

You need to do what would make your father proud. He would be ashamed of you for what you are doing right now. He wants you to have a better life than him and they way to do that is to get an education. Someday, he may be able to return and you need to be able to make him proud rather than ashamed when this happens.Health Question & Answer

first off don't let your school work suffer - you will regret it when you are older and it will only cause problems with your relationship between yourself and your parents. By going to school shows both your parents that you are ready to act responsibly and if you can prove to them that you are acting responsibly they are more likely to listen to you. also be aware that wanting to lay around all day can be an indicator of depression and although you are definately going through a rough patch, you can't use your parents seperation as an excuse for your depression. Seek psychological help for it - your school may have trained counsellors. Sit down with your mum and be open and honest about wanting to live with your dad-she will not want to hear it and you must be prepared for the fact that you are going to upset her. Have a member of your family (aunt, cousin, family friend) around and ask them to support both yourself and your mum/mom in this discussion. If she flat out will not discuss different parental access, discuss options which will allow further interaction with your dad - email, phone calls, video chat, handwritten letters. You obviously want to make your father proud of you in your school attendance and by interacting with your dad you can use that as incentive to do better at school. also is your mother depressed and is this why you have been able to get away with not attending school.
It seems as though the best advice i can give is to visit the counsellor at school - it may seem daggy but it feels like you are reaching out at the moment for someone to listen. Health Question & Answer

I am sorry to hear that.

You are 12 so you know what is right and wrong and you know that you NEED to go to school. I understand that you miss your dad, and I am sure your mom does too. Cut her some slack and stick together on this, do what you need to do just like your dad is doing.

You need to step up and be the man of the house, your mom needs you to.

I will pray for him and all of our troops :)Health Question & Answer

I think that you need to go to school... and if anything go because you get to hang out with your friends and it is better than sitting at home cleaning and all that stuff... no one likes to do that!!!!!! If you would like you can always try and call your dad and talk to him on the phone... it may be a little expensive but he is your father and dad's don't just leave for no reason. ]
Health Question & Answer

you miss your dad and are very confused. talk to your mom about your feelings. regardless where you will be you have to go to school. it is your future, don't mess it upHealth Question & Answer

What would Jesus do. You already know what to do. Follow your true instincts. Do what your conscience tells you. God bless. Health Question & Answer

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