What exactly happens to the horses body if the teeth haven't been floated??!

Question: What exactly happens to the horses body if the teeth haven't been floated.?.?
If a horses teeth haven't been floated what does the horses body exactly go through.. Does the food just going straight through him or what.?.?Health Question & Answer

Hello, Like people, a horse gets two sets of teeth....They usually get the adult set completely in by age 5 years......Because their teeth are continually growing they some times have to be "floated" mean they have to be filed down.. They can develop sharp edges that can injure the inside of the horses mouth......Below are some additional facts to be aware of: Good luck and I wish you well..

One sign that your horse's teeth may need to be floated is if she is consistently dropping food from her mouth and you start seeing signs of weight loss.. Your horse may also exhibit behavior like head-tossing or opening her mouth frequently..

Possible horse dental problem indicators:

Drops food from her mouth
Exhibits difficulty in chewing
Excessive salivation
Loss of weight
Undigested food particles in manure
Excessive bit chewing
Resisting having the bridle put on
Difficult handling while riding
Mouth odor
Blood in the mouth
Face swelling
Nasal discharge

Because horses are adaptable creatures, even if they are having discomfort, some do not show any signs of dental problems.. So don't assume that if there are no symptoms, there are no problems..

I hope you can use the information to your advantage....Health Question & Answer

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