Getting my top braces on on saturday?!

Question: Getting my top braces on on saturday.?
okay so im getting just my top braces on this saturday (!).. and here are my questions

1.. Generlly, how long does it take.?

2.. I had 4 teeth pulled (one on each side, top and bottom) will that effect anything, like how they put the wire through the brackets.?

3.. whats the procedure like.?

4.. How is the pain/discomfort compared to the spacers and getting teeth pulled.?

5.. Any color suggestions.? And should i get all one color, or alternating.?

6.. How long will it be before i get my bottom braces.?

7.. I have a friends pool party that same day- will i be in a lot of pain or will i be able to go to it.?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

1.. For only your tops or only your bottoms, only about an hour and a half.. When I get my bottom brackets on this month, my appoinment is scheduled to be exactly 1..5 hours, then his next appointment starts! Your ortho is on a tight schedule, so it usually doesent take that long..

2.. I had 2 teeth pulled yesterday on the bottom.. That will not affect anything..

3.. They will sit you in the chair, and talk to you about what they are going to do.. Then they are going to glue the brackets on your teeth and wire them.. They spray this stuff and shine a bright light on all your teeth.. Then you're done until your next appointment.. There are lots of videos on youtube of people during the procedure.. You can watch those to really understand and see what they are going to do to you..

5.. I had 4 spacers put in and had 2 teeth pulled.. I am yet to get my braces but all my bffs said that its more uncomfortable than that.. It will be sore because your teeth are being forceably put into a new position! You will not be able to eat hard foods for a few days, so make sure you are stocked up on pudding, soup, oatmeal, etc.. Make sure you have some ibuprofen on hand as well, to soothe the pain.. Wax will be your best friend in the beginning, because the brackets will be rubbing on your cheeks and gums.. Dont worry.. You'll get through it, just like millions of other kids did!

5.. As for color--- check out this cool website!! .com/BracesSelector..html" rel="nofollow">
It will help you make your decision based on what YOU like..

6.. I dont know if your case is any different but im getting my tops on in August, and my bottoms on this month.. It may be a little different with you, just ask your ortho.. when you go in on Saturday.. =)

7.. Yes, you'll be able to go.. The actual procedure and the day of the procedure dont hurt at all- its the days after that you'll be sore.. Just dont eat any chips or anything like that- it'd be awful to break a bracket on ur first day!!

8.. yeah, no candy, but u can sneak one every now and then, but no hard caramels and stuff, it'll break ur brackets and tht just means more time in the orthodontist chair..

9.. your ortho will give u a list of things u cant eat.. mine said no chips, carrots, sugary drinks, pretzels, candy, etc..

Good luck with everything, and dont worry- everyone else is going through the sameeee thing.. Your teeth will be great afterwards- just concentrate on looking forward to your new smile.. =)) Hope I helped!

BTW- bring some chapstick to the ortho.. and put it on before you go in cuz your lips get dry from the expander thingy they put on.. And I found the perfect vid on youtube for you to see.. Check it" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

1..about 1..5 to3..5 hours..
2..dont know
3..very painful,my orth told me.. im getting top+bottom+rubber bands
4..its a little bit worse
5..colors for each season! like christmas green and red.. or u can just get one color like aqua.. getting mine at the same time!! shouldnt you.? depends.?
7..probably not.. it will hurt alot.. unless you take pain killers every 3 to 4 hours..
8..for the first couple days u cant..
9..hard foods like pretzels and hard candie..Health Question & Answer

1.. Generlly, how long does it take.?
It varies on the dentist but usually 1/2 hr-2 hr

2.. I had 4 teeth pulled (one on each side, top and bottom) will that effect anything, like how they put the wire through the brackets.?
They might just not put a bracket where the tooth was and instead put a spring looks normal though dont worry!

3.. whats the procedure like.?
I'm not an ortho so I cant completely tell you, but from what I remember:
Things to hold your mouth open are held by the assistant, then they wipe your teeth off with cotton and then they spray conditioner on the tooth.. then they glue the bracket on and the ortho adjusts it with a metal tool.. Then they spray this stuff on it and they repeat it to put a bracket on every tooth.. Then the wire is pushed into every bracket and thats pretty much it! it doesnt taste like anything nor does it hurt, exept for the things that they use to keep your mouth open..

4.. How is the pain/discomfort compared to the spacers and getting teeth pulled.?
I've never had spacers but I've gotton teeth pulled and in my opinion getting braces was better than getting teeth pulled, which was more uncomfortable..

5.. Any color suggestions.? And should i get all one color, or alternating.?
Get all one color......I dont know what colors you like but colors like pink and blue usually look good.. I dont reccomend color though because it attracts more plaque and you must have AMAZING brushing habbits.. If color is only optional I wouldnt go with it..

6.. How long will it be before i get my bottom braces.?
It depends on your teeth and orthodontist.. Usually about 2-6 months

7.. I have a friends pool party that same day- will i be in a lot of pain or will i be able to go to it.?
If it is later in the day you should be fine......just dont eat anything hard.. Stuff like yogurt, smoothies, cheese, etc.. is fine though.. Its tough to say though, because everyone hurts for a different amount of time and you may be in some pain the first couple of hours or days..

8.. also, i got a thing from my ortho saying absolutley no candy.. is that really true.? i have a lot of friends with braces and they all seem to eat candy with no problems....
Its not completely true.. You can chew sugar-free gum and suck on hard candies.. Whatever you do NO chewing on hard candies or sticky ones like twizzlers.. It will break your bracket off and that hurts and you'll have to go get it put on again!

9.. oh and what other foods are you supposed to stay away from when you get you braces.?
Popcorn, nuts, corn on the cob, ice, jerky, taffy, carmel, and soft sticky candy such as starbursts, twizzlers, tootsie rolls, gummie bears, etc..Health Question & Answer

well, it depends on the case.. did ur doctor say anything about it.? mine is less than a year.. and no teeth were pulled out..

i think transparent color is the best.. since i don't really like, my teeth looks colorful..

i don't know, when you'll get the bottom braces.. i see lots of people wearing the braces and the bottom braces at the same time.. my doctor doesn't say anything about not eating candy.. maybe your case is different..'ll hurt for the first time then you'll get used to it :)Health Question & Answer

Sorry I cannot answer all your questions, I got mine on in 7th grade, don't remember now..

1.. It depends but I would set aside an hour or two for installation..

4.. After you get them on it hurts for like a week but after a few visits they only hurt for about 3-4 days after each visit..

5.. The wire braces don't get colored it is a rubber band they put on over it to hold the wire.. They usually give you a color chart to look at while they are putting the braces on..

6.. I got mine on both at the same time..

7.. You will be in a lot of pain, nothing severe but it may make you not want to go..Health Question & Answer

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