Do braces hurt? aand if so what is the best thing to do to help with the pain?!

Question: Do braces hurt.? aand if so what is the best thing to do to help with the pain.?
I haven't gotten them yet.. But i will in about a week.. =/Health Question & Answer

The initial pain is worse than the monthly adjustments.. The initial pain is due to the metal brackets scraping against the inside of your lips.. Your lips will adapt, just give it time.. Make sure you get some Orabase Gel from the drug store.. It's an over-the-counter, topical anesthetic for the inside of your mouth.. It will numb the pain for a while.. (Let it dry for a minute before you close your mouth otherwise it will spread around your mouth..)

Your orthodontist should give you wax to put over the brackets.. Make sure the bracket is completely dry before you put it on.. This is a quick fix, but your mouth won't adapt to the brackets while the wax is on..

That type of pain will go away.. Then the only time you'll feel pain is the day or two after they make adjustments.. It's a different type of pain and much more tolerable.. You just need to eat soft food for a little while..

P..s.. Listen to Diana.. Wear your retainers! I didn't, and now my teeth continue to move slightly every day.. Every time you lose them, they take a new mold.. Your teeth will drift between the time you lose the retainer and they take the new mold.. Due to not wearing my upper retainer regularly when my braces came off and losing it about eight times, I will probably have to get upper braces again..

Another thing......make sure you get your wisdom teeth pulled before you're twenty, if your dentist says there's not enough room for them.. When they grow in, they will push your other teeth out of place..Health Question & Answer

hahah...... Yes.... they do hurt.... Every month...... But the thing is, the worst part of it is when you first get them on.. It hurts like a banshee to chew ANYTHING for the first day or 2.. Then you have to get them tightened and stuff every month, which hurts but not that bad.. The only advice I can give you to deal with the pain is to use Ibuprofen (Advil)...... it helps a little, but there's really no way to get around it.. Braces suck, I had them for 2 and a half years, but in the end it's worth it........ usually.... After a few months you don't mind the pain as much, and it's hardly noticible.. Anways, I hope that helps (cuz there really is no way to keep them from hurting).. And good luck with the whole thing!Health Question & Answer

Braces dont hurt
but when u first get them
like the 1st and second week
your teeth will be sore since your teeth
arnt use to anything being on them but like
i said you will get use to it and the pain will be
gone! some things that u can take is tytelnol
your teeth will be sore for a while so eat soft foods
like bannans jello apple sauce and soups
also drink cold things like smooties and shakes it
helps alot! :) well just dont worry about it im sure
it will be fine well good luck :)

( im getting mine off next month :) )Health Question & Answer

it's really not bad.. i had braces for 2 years and 5 months.. and i lost my retainers and eventually got new ones but now i have to get my braces back on.. i remember that it didn't hurt when they put them on, just the next few days they'll be sore but you can take pain killers for that and when they get tightenedHealth Question & Answer

My bff got braces 2 days ago.. She is awesome at pain management and she was in sheer agony.. I wouldn't lie.. But it is different for everyone.. It doesn't hurt when they put them on, or until about 3-4 hours later (so pig out within the first 2-3 hours).. Eat LOTS of smoothies, yogurt, jell-o, and stuff u don't need to chew.. Take Advil, Tylenol, etc for the pain.. (whatever you take, I'd suggest extra strenght).. And which made it even worse for my friend was that the day after, she got 4 adult teeth pulled out..

Good Luck.. At lease you are off school while it is getting done.. And in a few years your smile will be to die for! :DHealth Question & Answer

for the 1st few days it will hurt but if u have tylenol or some pain reliever it will help.. every time u go tighten the wires it will hurt for about a day.. but don't worry it's not that bad and u will get used 2 it after a whileHealth Question & Answer

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