Why is the top of my mouth sore?!

Question: Why is the top of my mouth sore.?
This has happened to me several times before, probably three times since the year started, I think it always happens after eating, (seems like cereal, could be other foods) my mouth is sore/tender on the top near the back of my front teeth.. I eat cereal all the time.. .. .. I don't think it has to do with what cereal i eat because I only eat a few kinds.. I don't even know if it is cereal.. When looking at the sore, it doesn't really even look bad or different than normal..Health Question & Answer

Could be several things..

You could be getting a sinus infection or cold, but unlikely since you've not mentioned feeling ill..

But you can irritate the top of your mouth with many things.. If you think cereal is the culprit, you may be right.. If you kind of "suck" the milk from the cereal when you put it in your mouth, the sucking action can cause the cereal pieces to put pressure on the top of your mouth.. If that's the case, you've either "bruised" the area or scraped it up..

If you've ever eaten a lot of candy (hard candy) and suck on it instead of chewing it up, you'll get the same result.. Happens to me all the time with things like sweet-tarts or similar candies.. But I can't leave them alone.. They are good!

It's probably not a big deal, it will heal in time..

If you want to prevent it, pay close attention to how you eat whenever you put something in your mouth.. And try to change the behavior..

If cereal is causing the problem, you might want to let the milk soak in to the cereal more before eating it (so it softens up).. But some people don't like "soggy" cereal, so I don't know if that will help you..

Sorry though.. Get well soon!!!Health Question & Answer

If there is no change in appearance then it is more likely a vitamin deficiency of some kind .. Even vitamin fortified cereals won't supply everything you need , especially if your diet isn't balanced.. Mention this to your doctor or dentist next time you go however, as some diseases have odd symptoms like this..Health Question & Answer

Could be your toot brush.... Change it, your old one may be infected from over use......Health Question & Answer

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