People who have gotten wisdom teeth out before...?!

Question: People who have gotten wisdom teeth out before.......?
Im 14 years old and I got my wisdom teeth out today..
After I woke up from my nose down to my chin up im pretty much completly numb as expected.. The dentist told me it should take maybe 2 hours for the numbness to go away.. My appointment was at 12:00pm and as you know its 10 o clock.. my mouth still feels completly numb =/

im very concered because there were some warning things of numbness being permanent....those warnings they have to tell everybody..

pretty much should i start worrying.?

thank you please try your best to answer:]Health Question & Answer

Permanent numbness or temporary numbness is normally only in older adults.. Depending on the person and what he numbed you with, 2 hours is average, but if you are smaller and loaded with pain meds and have had sedation meds it likely will take longer to wear off.. Most numbness that does last past the day will come back.. It can be simple nerve damage, aka bruising from the surgery and take 1-2 weeks.. Major traumas can take months, but is more likely to happen in people over 30 years of age..Health Question & Answer

Is it still 100% numb.? Like, bite yourself and can't feel it numb.?
And, did you take any other painkillers like Vicodin or anything.?
I got home 20 mins after I woke up, and slept for maybe 8 hours until it hurt so bad I woke up...... so less than 8 hours, I would say..Health Question & Answer

Ten hours is a long time to be completely numb.. If it doesn't start wearing off in 4 to 5 more hours I would be concerned.. Call the dentist in the morning if you're still numb..Health Question & Answer

I am a dentist and i have removed lots of teeth before.. This completely normal just drink hot fluids and eat your normal diet.. It should be normal by about 12pm tommorow..Health Question & Answer

Don't worry about it too much...... if the nerve was close, than I would have expected them to recommend a coronectomy, which is where they leave the root in the gum undisturbed.. Your procedure was just done today so don't worry.. If in a couple of days you still have the same amount of numbness, than have your parents call the dentist to reassure you =) I had my wisdom teeth removed recently and 1 coronectomy on the one where the xray was not clear enough to tell how close the root was.. However I was not put to sleep and did not have the numbness for longer than the 1st day.. I have read other q&a's on this site where some people say it lasted 4 weeks for them...... wait til Monday and if you are still nervous have your parents call in..;_ylt=AoldGRSC..b1W..bkjwKcwnXPsy6IX;_ylv=3.?qid=20080715155755AAq2Fp6&show=7#profile-info-iPLGH8pxaa" rel="nofollow">;......Health Question & Answer

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