Wisdom teeth again....?!

Question: Wisdom teeth again.........?
so i had 4 wisdom teeth extraced on july 14, so about 5-6 days ago.. i'm very aware of the stitches, which is fine.. but for some reason the top left gum is hurting, alot, i don't think its dry socket because the pain is on the outside of the gum, against my cheek, and the pain isnt an intense sensation like dry socket is supposed to be.. i'm taking my pain medication as i was told to, but it doesn't help...... could this just be the stitches pulling.? or what else could it be.? any ideas.?

thanksHealth Question & Answer

hmm i had all 4 of mine extracted about a month ago, i'm not sure if you had the same situation as me where they cut in and took them out but often times wisdom teeth are double rooted.. this means that to get then out takes a lot more force and causes more trauma to the mouth, meaning it will hurt a hell of a lot more when recovering.. and i'm pretty sure a dry socket is much less likely with stitches than for those who have them pulled and not stitched..

give it a few more days, and if the pain hasn't subsided mostly then maybe you should call the dentist/oral surgeon..Health Question & Answer

When I had my tooth pulled it hurt a lot and I cried (well I was like 7) but anyways, ice pack didn't help, but when I put a hot pack on it the pain went away it felt really awesome.... it doesn't make the swelling go away though.. You should try it, I think it will help..Health Question & Answer

you should ask ur wisdom docter you may need to take a pill for infectionHealth Question & Answer

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