Sweet tooth help !?!

Question: Sweet tooth help !.?

over the past 2 days ive had like a really huge sweet tooth.... at first i just ate chocolate and sweets to cure it but its still here and ive ate enough crap already !! ive tried like sugar free sweets and stuff but it doesnt work !!

has anyonw got any ideas on what i can do to help cure it .?Health Question & Answer

sugar is addictive, by definition almost!

It is addictive as it is able to give you a blood sugar boost and so an energy rush very quickly, but just as quick is the down when the blood sugar levels have dropped and this leaves you in an energy slump, where your body is left weak, and asking for more sugar to get it going again..

Many foods have sugar in them, the more the sugar in it, the more you will crave it..

Try weaning yourself off sugar, its different for different people, I found that I had to cut out all added sugar completely as I just seemed to want more and more, and haveing less was practicly the same as having none, it felt like I was depriving myself either way.. So I cut it all out 100% on day 1, hardcore, but if you can be strict with yourself, it will pay off, you'll be off sugar very much sooner..

Try when you do have anything with sugar in it- say for example fruit, having also something un sugary, and different, like a protein based food without sugar, maybe an egg salad (no mayo, and no sauces as these have sugar in) or cheese (alone), fish/seafood, chicken, its an odd mix, but it will pay off..

Sugar free wont worek, first of all, if your body does fall for the trick, it will just end up craveing more and more sugar free sweets, as its expecting a blood sugar rush, and if it doesnt get one, it will just crave more and more until it does.. A vicious cycle..

My best advice is to stop completely, or be very strict, cutting down, decide how much you are going to have say the day before, and stick to it whatever (you'll probably find that this is very hard to stick to, hence why giveing up completely is the easist option in the long run) food tastes tasteless to begin with, but serioulsy, give it 1 to 2 weeks and you actually start to taste food differently, its like it becomes nice again, and you notice the subtle tasts that you didnt before- its great!Health Question & Answer

i normally drink a hot water with honey and lemon in it, you still get the sweet and it helps clean out your system so it'll be good for all the crap your been eating, try some fresh fruit too, ones that you know are sweet like plums, strawberries, etc

and honey roasted nuts are great as well but there really fatty so you have to be a fairly active person to get away with eating bags of them..

but be careful though to much sugar gives you a rush and soon when the cravings gone you may feel really low..Health Question & Answer

Even eating lots of fruit is unhealthy for your teeth because they're so acidic.. Remember to drink some water after eating sweets and fruits and after half an hour or so brush your teeth..Health Question & Answer

Instead of eating sweets, get fresh fruits.. Its a healthier alternative and make sure you brush your teeth afterwards as the sugar can cause tooth decay..Health Question & Answer

u aint pregnant r u .? ok if not then eat sweet grapes strawberrys raspbarries basically sweet fruit least ur b eatin healthilyHealth Question & Answer

drink something sweet..Health Question & Answer

eat a whole bag of sugar......you'll be so sick you won't want anythingHealth Question & Answer

it just comes and goes......just leave it aloneHealth Question & Answer

Give into temptation ...... Just make sure you brush your teeth often too..Health Question & Answer

try eating more healthy foods..Health Question & Answer

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