Slight pain after wisdom teeth stitches dissolved?!

Question: Slight pain after wisdom teeth stitches dissolved.?
I got my wisdom teeth removed exactly 7 days ago.. I only experienced a little pain on day 1 and 2, and for the past 5 days everything has been fine with no pain or anything.. However just an hour ago my mouth started hurting in that area again, I looked in the mirror and the stitches have dissolved, which I know is normal, but is the pain normal considering i had experienced no pain whatsoever the past several days.?

Is it possible the stitches prematurely dissolved and that is what is causing the pain.? Thanks!Health Question & Answer

It shouldn't be anything to worry about, it sounds pretty normal.. Like the other person said, you could have a dry socket, or maybe a piece of food got stuck in there.? Neither of those should have happened though if you got stitched up same day.. I didn't have any of mine stitched and had to use an irrigation device to keep it clean and it was a real pain.. But if it's just a little pain or a bit uncomfortable, just suck on an ice cube or get some Oragel for it.. Applesauce sounds good too, but I would go for ice cream.. ;o)

Give it 2 or 3 days and if it still hurts, call your oral surgeon and see what s/he thinks..Health Question & Answer

that's the normal for when they should fall out.. if it's really really bad u could have gotten a dry socket, but they'll still be a little tender back there for a bit and you could even have a small chip from a tooth in there trying to push it's way out! Just hang in there it'll get better.. make sure u don't do hot or colds for a while to they can upset it to.. I liked semi_chilled applesauce when I got mine pulled it worked best!Health Question & Answer

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