Ceramic Braces....do you have them??!

Question: Ceramic Braces........do you have them.?.?
I have ceramic braces, so far im 50/50 in terms of my liking towards them........I like them because you cant see them, but they are too too too time consuming!! Sometimes, I wish I had the metal ones because you LITERALLY have to clean your braces ten times more (I think) than someone who has metal braces --just to make sure your ceramic braces do not turn yellow.. It seems like anything will cause them to turn yellow.. Soda, Food, ANYTHING......why would an Ortho recommend them to someone.?.? He didn't really give me an option......I'm almost to the point where I want metal......just because I'm tired of dealing with the hassle.. I don't smoke or anything, and I brush my teeth like 5 times a day, but (TO ME) it just looks like they are turning yellow (or they are not as white as they were when I got them)......but my teeth are still white though......
Could it just be the clear bands turning yellow.?.?
Would it be rude to tell my ortho to take the ceramics off and give me metal braces......
What you think.?Health Question & Answer

Do you know how EXPENSIVE it would be to take the ones you have off and put new ones on.? About three THOUSAND dollars..Health Question & Answer

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