Blister in my mouth?!

Question: Blister in my mouth.?
Umm, ok.. So on my bottom lip on the inside, there is a white spot that hurts really bad.. I was wondering if it's a blister or what.? The area around it is kind of irritated.. I've had it for a few days.. So my question is:

What is it, can I treat it, and how long until it goes away.?Health Question & Answer

This is morst likely a Canker sore.. Ive had one before.. Dont be too alarmed they go away on their own, gargle with salty water..

Or you can buy Use over-the-counter medications such as Kank-Aid or Orajel that numb the pain and lay a thin protective film over the sore.. Avoid hot, spicy or acidic foods..

See your doctor if it doesnt go away in 1 week..

Hope that helps :)Health Question & Answer

It is not a cold sore if it is inside your mouth.. Cold sores cannot form inside your mouth.. It is probably a canker sore and they go away on their own in about a week or two..

Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth

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