Will my mouth have space to grow wisdom teeth after braces are off?!

Question: Will my mouth have space to grow wisdom teeth after braces are off.?
im 16 by the way and have had braces for about 5 months now..
do you think my inside jaws will grow bigger to fit them.?Health Question & Answer

your mouth may or may not have space for them to fully grow and stay in your mouth.. in rare cases, they can leave them in there.. but as the human body has evolved, the uses for the wisdom teeth are none..

leaving them in can ruin the rest of your teeth pushing them in different direction just to fit in.. so depending on how big your mouth is and what treatment you're under going with your orthodontist, you may or may not get them taken off..

when it comes to AFTER your braces are done.. you will probably get them taken out before you get your braces off.. that would be my best guess because of the movement of your teeth if your orthodontist would let them grow in (which would be stupid)
Health Question & Answer

You will have more room than you would have otherwise had you not gotten braces.. It is hard to say though how much more room.. Not to mention that wisdom teeth tend to grow in crooked in some people or even pointing towards the opening of your mouth.. Talk to your dentist to see if your wisdom teeth are growing in at all and they can give you a better idea.. If you have to get them removed its really not a big deal.. Most people get this done and its just sore for a while.. Health Question & Answer

It doesn't matter how old you are or if you've had braces or not.. It all depends on how big your mouth is.. If it doesn't look like you'll have room now, then you're not going to "grow" room..

Best to get it checked out by a dentist before they start coming in..Health Question & Answer

Chances are, you'll have to get them out.. It all depends on how large your mouth is and how much room there is.. Most of the time, though, they have to be extracted.. Mine are all impacted :( and I'll be getting them out shortly.. You should have a while though, don't worry!Health Question & Answer

it wont grow bigger.... there is room...... however you will need to get them taken out.. Just make sure you keep up to date on your dental appointments and you will be fine.. no need to worryHealth Question & Answer

I had to get my wisdom teeth removed (before they even grew out of my gums) when I was 18; otherwise, they would have jammed up my straight teeth.. IHealth Question & Answer

no dumbass thats why you get them removedHealth Question & Answer

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