Why do some people get veneers?!

Question: Why do some people get veneers.?
are they false or like put over your normal teeth.?
i know someone who has very white teeth do but there quite thick and white and to perfect to be true do you think there veneers.? Health Question & Answer

Possibly.. Veneers are thin facings that are cemented over the fronts of teeth.. They are primarily cosmetic, but can be somewhat functional..

Most people have them done if they have discolorations on their front teeth that maybe can't be bleached out, or sometimes they are done to make slightly crooked teeth "straight".. Or, look straight at least..

They can typically be done as white as a person wants, but they can definitely look too white or too fake..

I have some pictures and further description below if you're interested..
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They are almost like a false nail you put over the tooth, except they are made from superior materials to false nails!

There are many reasons why people will have veneers, their teeth maybe badly stained, discoloured through previous root canal, they may be heavily filled, they may be uneven and a dentist suggests veneers as an option to make them look better..

The process of fitting veneers is quite a destructive one, the teeth are filed down and an adhesive is placed on the teeth to allow the bonding of the teeth to the veneer.. Dentists don't like to embark on this work lightly as you can never get back natural tooth..

Some veneers look great and they don't look too thick but many do and like you've seen, some can look just completely false..

Hope that helps..Health Question & Answer

I've got a veneer on one tooth (long story, don't ask)

Basically they take a mould of your tooth/ teeth so they can fit it to the rest of the teeth, do a colour match to the surrounding teeth and then file down the original tooth (into a kinda pointy shape) then fit the new tooth on to it..

My tooth is now a little thicker than the others but otherwise looks very natural.. I think some people get them for all thier teeth (all I can say is, they must have a lot of money, these things aren't cheap!) and then they look quite uniform and will certainly be slightly thicker than normal teethHealth Question & Answer

Some people just have the money and want nicer looking teeth.. (I think it costs around $800 to $1000/per tooth) Others have real dental problems that require veneers.. You still have your real teeth, but they make them smaller so the fake ones can fit over them..
*Alot of people have naturally big white teeth, but if your curious just ask..* I think big white teeth (natural or not) are sexy!!Health Question & Answer

I think they file down the natural teeth so they can put white strips on top and it isn't good.. My dentist wouldn't do it, as he said he doesn't like to file down healthy teeth..

If you get them too white you just look false and like the Bee Gees..Health Question & Answer

Yes most likely they're veneers..

Veneers are like covers for your teeth and can be made to not only make them look very white but to slightly straighten your teeth out too..

Think of them like fake nails but only for your teeth..

Hope this helps..
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veneers save alto more tooth structure than crowns.. Certain brands of veneers do not remove any enamel like lumaneers.. Its a way to create a perfect smile without braces or cover discoloration..Health Question & Answer

I had to get veneers because my braces destroyed the enamel on my teeth.. I hate them..
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