What color retainers are there ? Are there glittery? Whats is the process of braces in what order?!

Question: What color retainers are there .? Are there glittery.? Whats is the process of braces in what order.?
I know its in a long time i am just curious i haven't got my braces yet put about to like around my b-day NovHealth Question & Answer

Ok, this is how the braces process goes down.. You first get spacers.. I only had mine for 6 days (the time varies but my orthodontist said they are usually in for about a week) but they suck.. The first day you have them, it feels like something is stuck between your teeth.. By the next morning, that feeling goes away.. That's when it starts to hurt to chew.. Give it a few days, it gets better.. Then you go to get your braces on.. The first thing they do is take the spacers out.. It feels kinda funky, but it doesn't really hurt.. Then they put these things that hold the wires on your molers.. They put this thing on your tooth, push it in, then have you bite down on each side to push it in.. That kinda hurts.. Then they take them back out (I know! Retarded, right.?) and have the orthodontist put them back in with glue on them this time (the glue tastes REALLY bad!).. I think that's when they put the the plastic thing in that holds your lips and cheeks away from your teeth.. That thing feels weird at first, but you get used to it.. Then they dry the wire-holders with this weird looking thing.. It takes forever.. Then they clean your teeth and brush glue on them.. The orthodontist then comes back and puts the brackets on.. After he/she leaves, they dry on the brackets.. Then they take out the plastic thing.. After that, they put the wires on.. This feels really weird, but it doesn't really hurt.. Then they will have you pick 1 or 2 colors (depending on what you want) and put the bands on.. This sort of hurts.. Then they are done! They tell you how to brush around your brackets, floss, and use wax.. By the way, wax is your new best friend.. I can almost garantee you will have a sore within the first day or so.. You get it free from them, but if you run out you can buy them at a drugstore or something.. Make sure you have pain killers and soft foods for the next week or so.. After the second or third day, you don't need the pain killers, but you won't want to eat anything hard.. The whole process doesn't hurt, it's like......the next day or even the night you get them that they get sore.. They really aren't that bad.. Plus, just think of how wicked awesome your smile will be when they come off!!!

I don't know about retainers because I don't have one yet.. Sorry!

Anyways, good luck!! :DHealth Question & Answer

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