I'm 16 and I'm SO paranoid about my front tooth, I need to know about root canals!!!?!

Question: I'm 16 and I'm SO paranoid about my front tooth, I need to know about root canals!!!.?
My front right tooth has a very short root..The dentist said it could be because of a trauma caused a long time ago, or it could be just the way the root was formed while it was growing.. I have no idea what to do because it seems as if the sensitivity comes in spells......once every few months......and then it goes away.. Here lately its gotten REALLY bad, and its just a tad mobile......not enough to be "alarmed at" said the dentist! I've been recommended to an endontist for further examination but I'm terribly afraid that they may have to give me a root canal, and i've heard that your tooth becomes discolored and unsightly! I'm really scared.. I also am afraid that they will have to pull my tooth.. Please tell me some things that will help me put my mind at ease! I'm sixteen and I'm afraid of how I will look......I just dont know what to think......or do..Health Question & Answer

I just had root canal the other day i was dreading it too but it was nothing!!! I was the same i had a sore tooth once every few months until one day it was agony, turned out there was an abscess so i just took medication for a week.. I had it in 2 appointments the first to do the root work itself and the 2nd to put a filling on, mine was a back tooth but if its a front tooth i think they make sure they put the filling behind it so no1 can tell.. Plus u can request a crown or porcelain filling.. also my tooth and gums are just the same colour they always were..Health Question & Answer

don't be nervous.. your tooth won't become unsightly.. mine looks like the rest.. and they are very unlikely to pull your tooth, they'll do everything they can to fix it, especially as you're sixteen and it's a front tooth.. ..Health Question & Answer

Yes they will do everything to save the tooth especially at your age and its a front tooth.. the very worst case scenario is a plate with a fake tooth if it had to come out or even an implant but that would be expensiveHealth Question & Answer

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