I have bad breath, I have a nasty taste in my mouth & every time I brush my teeth they bleed. what could it be?!

Question: I have bad breath, I have a nasty taste in my mouth & every time I brush my teeth they bleed. what could it be.?
Umm, I use to not brush frequently, I do not floss and I haven
You have a gingivtis ( gum disease ) . The blood coming from the inflammed gums are causing badbreath , plus the tartar /calcular deposits ( the hard cement like around the gumline) , plus the nicotine
smell that gets trap inside the tartar .The deposit is irritating the gums does iflammation sets in . and will get deeper..

Worst is , if the gingivitis progresses to peridontitis/pyorrhea , its the inflammation of the periodontal ligaments -- ligaments that holds your teeth . Once you get it , abcess / pus is included giving you a very foul smelling breath plus teeth becomes to move.

So your dentist before you teeth becomes mobile . Treatmet is very simple.Health Question & Answer

gum disease probably due to not flossing everyday. The food is stuck in between your teeth and rots. Brushing won't help get rid of it.

And if it's not, start flossing. Brush your teeth for about 2 minutes making sure you get everywhere, even your tongue. The tongue is the main area where germs are located.Health Question & Answer

You have periodontosis (gum disease). This happens when food gets trapped under the gum line, rots, and the resulting bacteria causes inflammation and bleeding. You have to have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year, floss and brush every day.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you may have a gum disease. See a dentist.Health Question & Answer

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