Question about braces? getting them on tuesday?!

Question: Question about braces.? getting them on tuesday.?
why do they put the colored band around the bracket.? Like what is the point for it.?Health Question & Answer

The coloured bands are more technically known as elastic ligatures - they hold the wire (the part of the braces that actually moves your teeth) onto the brackets (the metal/ceramic part that's like a square attached to each tooth).

The way braces work is by the wire, which is formed in a perfect arch that your teeth should ideally lie in, being distorted to fit into the brackets on your teeth. The wire wants to bend back to its original perfect arch shape, and as it does this it pushes on the brackets it's being held in, causing a force on your teeth. The brackets won't be properly aligned to begin with, as the orthodontist works out where to place them so that they'll be in the right place at the end of treatment. Eventually, the wire returns to the right shape, straightening the teeth as it does so.

Without the ligatures, the wire wouldn't be held onto the brackets securely and the teeth wouldn't move properly or at all. Elastic ligatures, which are the coloured rubber-band type, are commonly used as they're easy to change, and patients can get more motivated by choosing colours. There are other types though - wire ligatures for example. Some types of braces are called self-ligating, as no ligatures are needed at all (the wire is held in place by a little gate in the bracket itself).

Good luck with your ortho treatment!Health Question & Answer

The colored bands around the bracket holds the wire in place. It is the wire that moves your teeth . When i was a kid, i had to have my wires held in place with wire twisted on the brackets and that hurt cause i had all these wires poking out everywhere. You can opt to have silver bands if you are not interested in colors. Good luck on your way to a great smile! Just the first few days after each adjustment ( when a wire is changed out) will mean that you'll have some tenderness and you'll want to eat soft foods.. soups.. pudding etc until the tenderness goes away.Health Question & Answer

it holds down the wire to the bracket but you can get clear, white or silver if you don't want colored bands or they make braces that are just these white blocks that are supposed to make it look less noticeable.Health Question & Answer

It's to hold the wire in place,
and for the colours, they're just fun.
I just got my braces off ^.^Health Question & Answer

I have a new type of braces and there's no colored bands.Health Question & Answer

to straighten your teeth because there crockedHealth Question & Answer

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