1500 calories too many?!

Question: 1500 calories too many.?
i'm about 5'4-5'5ish and weight about 117 or so. i'm still trying to lose 10 more pounds but i feel like i've been eating too much. is 1500 calories too many if i go to the gym about 3-5 times a week for about an hour of cardio.? i used to stay around 1000 but it really messed up state of mind and made me feel really tired so i started to eat 1500 but i don't want to gain or maintain i want to lose. Health Question & Answer

If you're trying to lose weight, then you need to increase your calories. Doing that kind of cardio at 1500 calories per day puts you in starvation mode. Your body will drop muscle and hold onto fat. It's a hormonal issue. Bump up your calories up by 300 three times (1800, 2100, 2400). Do it once every week to 2 weeks. That should normalize your body (I'm guessing at your what your maintenance calories are; you didn't provide enough info). Then adjust calories from there. To give you an idea of how messed up your body is right now, calculate your healthy maintenance calories with the following tool and compare it to the 1500 calories you're taking in now.

The typical recommendation when starting a diet is to lower calories 300-500 below maintenance. You're already up against a wall with nowhere to go. So get your caloric intake right and start again. You shouldn't have much, if any, weight gain while you're getting ready to start dieting correctly.

EDIT: People post some crazy stuff on Yahoo Answers. Don't eat a Mars bar. If you vary calorie levels from day to day, your body won't be able to pick up on the pattern and adjust so long as the pattern is longer than a couple of days. Calories matter. Just because someone is skinny and has a fast metabolism, doesn't mean they should be giving diet advice. Red meat is great. As long as you're eating lean cuts, the only issue would be cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol comprises a small portion of the overall cholesterol in your body. So long as you have a decent fiber intake, there's no reason to not eat red meat.Health Question & Answer

not at all. a girl your height should weight about 120-125 pounds..so you're allready a little underweight. 117 is fine but if u do wanna lose weight do athe calorie alternating plan. if you suaually ate 2000 calories a day then ur metabolism is setto burning 2000 calories then if ustrt to eat 15000 then ur metabolism ajusts to burning 1500. so u need to confuse ur metabolism by eating different amounts a day:

1- 2000
2- 1200
3- 1600
4- 1000
5- 1500
6- 1800
7- 2200 ( i know it sounds like a lot)

and ur metabolism is REALLLY smart so chances are it'll adopt to this pattern pretty fast so you'll need to keep doing differen aptterns (as in dont follow this EXACT number pattern after ur first week ex:)

week 2:

hope that helped! Health Question & Answer

I think that if you stick around 1200-1500 that's healthy but calories aren't all that matter. Watch your sodium intake. If you eat 1200 calories worth of french fries each day you wont lose weight (if you catch my drift). You need to eat fresh healthy food and limit red meat like beef and pork. Hope this helps. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

calories do not matter in my opinion. it's the carb content which raises your blood sugar levels and makes you put on weight i have about twice the amount of calories the government reccomends and i'm very slim cut down carbs not calories i think1500 is too little.Health Question & Answer

eat a mars barHealth Question & Answer

You need to remember that your body can only lose so much weight. You don't wanna go into overkill on dieting. I'd say you're already at a very healthy weight for your height. But if you're trying to improve your body's appearance more than anything, I think you should try working out as well as cardiovascular activity. That will help tone up your body and build some muscle. Look up some recipes online for some whey smoothies/shakes. They're very good for you and will give you plenty of protein which is good for slimming your body as well as building muscle.

No matter what though, I wouldn't go below 1,500 calories per day. Even that seems pretty low, in my opinion.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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