Was high paternal age involved in your bipolar, or Asperger's etc?!

Question: Was high paternal age involved in your bipolar, or Asperger's etc.?
Older fathers are more likely to have offspring with mental difficulties.Health Question & Answer

NO, my take on this and all research:
As each new piece of research is mentioned, it always amazes me how many people seem to KNOW the causes of autism, whether that be vaccinations, older fathers, mercury or whatever. Why these people have not been feted by the medical establishment and given the Nobel prize is a mystery to me. No, really.

Until we know the cause of autism, which I believe to be genetic and that we were just born neurologically different minded. There is no real fact its a mystery like the universe, so for now can we try and at least treat autistic people with respect and not as experiments, every time I mention me and my older son are on the autism spectrum I get looked and treated like a sub human!

Maybe society needs to re-look at how they treat each other in general, who that may be and what ever difference!Health Question & Answer

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