I'm nervous, what could this be? ?!

Question: I'm nervous, what could this be.? .?
I feel VERY detatched from myself, from my body and mind. It's like I'm going through the movements but I'm not thinking. It's like I can't control my words, my thoughts, my actions. I have no idea who I am. This has been going on for about 5 months now and now it's servere : ( I'm very scared. I'm going to therapy, she says it's anxiety, but it's happening even when I'm not anxious - it's happening all the time, every second of everyday. Help me please - what could this be.?.? Health Question & Answer

you ask this aaaaaaaall the time.... but are you helping yerself.? not just tru therapy ok.?Health Question & Answer

The power of words; the efficacy of prayers, and man's kinship with God - these are the three impetus which can bring tremendous results.

First try to know how to purify and keep your mind always clean and simple.

Second try to take care of your body by having good diet and drink habits. Body with sound breathe and noble thoughts leads to positive and constructive contribution.

It is a chain reaction. You should not have developed unnecessary, unwanted and undeserving desires. When such desires are not getting fulfilled, you get frustration and anger. Anger leads to worry. Worry leads to sleeplessness. Sleeplessness seriously affects the brain functioning. You trouble yourself and thereby give trouble to others as well.

First try to know whether you have developed this because of wrong diet and drinking habits. If it is so, then immediately change your food and drink habits. Stop taking unwanted drugs.Health Question & Answer

You have Depersonalization Disorder which is a disorder affecting emotions and behavior. It is characterized by an change in how an affected individual perceives or experiences his or her sense of self. The usual sense of ones own reality is temporarily lost or changed. A feeling of detachment from, or being an outside observer of, ones mental processes or body occurs such as the sensation of being in a dream. This phenomena involves:

A lasting or recurring feeling of being detached from the patient's own body.

Throughout the experience, the patient knows this is not really the case. Reality experience is intact.

The phenomenon causes distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The experience doesn't occur solely in the course of another mental disorder such as Acute Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, Schizophrenia or a different Dissociative Disorder. (Fugue Identity).

The disorder is not directly caused by a general medical condition or by substance use, including medications and drugs of abuse.

it also goes hand in hand with.... Panic Disorder which i believe you are currently being treated for already.
Health Question & Answer

im not sure what it is but that happened to me once. its kind of like you see the world differantly. you see whats going on around you and you think its not real thats its all a dream. idk what it is but just take a walk by yourself and think about your life, your past and the present. i had that for like a year but suddenly one day i dint have it anymore. try not to drink caffenine. what ever you do try not to get in trouble. i did that once and sudenly everything seemed real once again but a day later i felt the same.Health Question & Answer

I think you need a change of pace. Try something new, get off the schedule. Its nothing too serious I'm sure, but I agree that it isn't anxiety-related.Health Question & Answer

Depersonalization. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depersonali...Health Question & Answer

Definitely seems like you have Depersonalization disorder.Health Question & Answer

If you can't control all that stuff, then how did you type up this question.?
Health Question & Answer

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