Why do people say that borderline personality is the equivalent of sociopathy in females?!

Question: Why do people say that borderline personality is the equivalent of sociopathy in females.?
Sociopaths are not supposed to have a conscience/ i.e they feel no remorse for their actions. However people with borderline personality disorder often suffer from an extremely low self-esteem. They often feel that they are unworthy and are inherently bad (especially since they see things in black/white). This seems markedly different from sociopathy where it seems unlikely that the sociopath would feel that he is an unworthy person. So my question is why do people say that bpd is the female version of a sociopath.?Health Question & Answer

well i'm a female with Bpd and i am not sociopath!

i have never heard of a Bpd being a sociopath, where did you hear this.?

borderlines see things black and white and have a low self esteem and image problems, when i do something to hurt someone i feel bad and want to make it up to the person.

here is a good website : http://www.bpdresources.com/index.html

Candice xxHealth Question & Answer

one of my family member is a sociopath and i have a friend who has borderline and they are completely different!!!!! the sociopath lies 99.9% of the times and the other one just feel like crap all the time, she feel guilt....Health Question & Answer

Becaue they are ignorantHealth Question & Answer

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