Now it's getting a bit too extreme-paranoia is taking over my life?!

Question: Now it's getting a bit too extreme-paranoia is taking over my life.?
I've always been paranoid at home. Only at home, nowhere else.
But recently it's gotten so much worse and I honestly don't know what to do about it.
I can't walk anywhere in my house without looking over my shoulder every two minutes or so, I have to run up the stairs because I'm sure someone is following me, I have to look behind the shower curtain every time I go into the bathroom, I can't even wash my hair without freaking out while my eyes are closed, and I have to do a "routine" check around my room every night before I go to sleep to make sure that nobody or nothing is anywhere in it-even though it's impossible.

This never happens anywhere but at home. I've lived here my whole life, and I do feel safe...sometimes. Most of this happens after it gets dark at night.

Are there any alternatives to medicine.? Are there medicines specifically for paranoia.?

I need help!!
Health Question & Answer

redeemed in chirst...are you new to christianity, I mean, have you recently been saved.? What you've described happened to meand this is what I was told by my pastor and new friends: Satan is pissed he's lost you and is using every scare tactic he can: you need to get rid of ALL yours books, drawings, writings EVERYTHING that even remotely seems esoteric, supernatural, whether it be blatantly satanic or just seemingly because these are "open doorways" to get you back. We are literally possessed at times and becoming a Christian was the most terrifying exp. I've ever went thru. See...he doesn't give a rat's a** about those who follow him, he wants YOU because you no longer belong to Him and he'll keep on terrorizing you until you either denounce Christ or go insane. Best bet is to just read, sleep and eat with your Bible, and hang around those you know that are saved, stand in their light until you emit such a light on your own that he'll stop harrassing you so badly. Sadly, the closer you get to God, the more he's going to try and make your life on earth Hell, but you've got to put your armor on that God talks about and just scream out 'NO, GET OUT SATAN! IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE MY HOUSE< MY PERSON< AND MY lIFE! Amen and Godspeed be with you.Health Question & Answer

i actually sort of agree with Goldi Lox's ghost theory. if you have a demon living in your house, it could be causing you to be subconsciously afraid of something that you can't really see, but can sense. if evil is radiating through your home, you can feel it and it is frightening you, but it is also fooling you into thinking that its a psychological problem - as is the case with most paranormal sightings etc.
but i'm no expert, that's just what i think.Health Question & Answer

I honestly think that you should consider seeing a counselor. They can help you WITHOUT prescribing medicine.
In the meantime, try to avoid horror movies -- and I'm being serious. Especially thrillers, like Scream and most Hitchcock films.
Health Question & Answer

try buying new locks and installing them. that way you;ll know your the only one with the keys. buy dead bolts too. then you can get an alarm if the new locks don't do it for you. also, carry pepper spray on your body at all times.Health Question & Answer

you need therapy to overcome thisHealth Question & Answer

Maybe you have a ghost lol. I'm sure you'll grow out of it... unless you're 35, then I'd be worried.Health Question & Answer

social worker maybeHealth Question & Answer

Oh my God, I have the same thing.
My friends and I were just talking about this today.
Especially with closing my eyes in the shower.
Plsu I absolutely BOOK it up the stairs because I always think someone is following me.

I suggest we both schedule appointments for the physciatrist.

Same thing with the dark thing with me,
I always have this fear that I'll see something out of the corner of my eye, so I have to like shield whatever isn't right in front of me.Health Question & Answer

All u gotta do is pray and then smoke some weed. It worked for me. Use a water bong.
Get a pet if u want. A dog can always since things that humans can't. Plus u won't be alone. They smoke weed too if you blow it in their face.
But anyway good luck.
So sorry that u have developed this scariness. Have you very tried turning around and facing your fears.? Like when u run up the steps to get away, walk slow on purpose or turn around and see if something is there.
When the movie it came out, I was so scared! I had to duck down when going to the bathroom because I didn't want to look inside the mirror. Finally, I just faced my self. Nothing happened. I was scared for no reason and it sounds like you are too.
I hope things work out for u.
Aight Peace
Detroit JesusHealth Question & Answer

I have the same problem. I live in a nice neighborhood and don't really have anything to worry about. I can't help it either. I run up stairs tas well thinking someone is behind me, I just about die if I walk into a room w/o first turning the light on or turning it off while I'm still in it. I leave lights on all over the house, I usually check the deadbolt about 5+ times a night, I check every window at least twice, and before I go to bed I walk through the house once more checking everything (the stove is off=check, windows locked=check, door locked=check). Honestly this bothers me a lot that I do this, but I find that forcing myself not to do it makes it worse. I'm thinking about seeing a doctor for anxiety.. I'll take the medication whatever.Health Question & Answer

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