I'm always lying to get attention?!

Question: I'm always lying to get attention.?
I find that I am always seeking attention and lying to get it. I am always trying to make my friends feel sorry for me, make up serious stories and always trying to make myself fake cry and run out of class. I don't do it all the time but when there is an opportunity I always take advantage of it. I don't know why I am doing it and I do really well at school. Can anyone give any advice.?Health Question & Answer


Firstly i want you to know that either most people already know or are going to catch on that your lying and will only make things worse.

I used to lie a lot, but it really doesn't help anything.
I'm not trying to say your a bad person or anything, i don't think you are at all.

What i'm trying to say is, try finding attention in other ways that wont hurt other people. If people find out your lying, they certainly wont appreciate it and you'll find yourself doing it more and more the less people that pay attention to you.

If your anything like me, you need people to show you they care about you. It seems like a cry for help. Like theres something you want people to know or find out.

If somethings wrong just be straight about it.

I know its a hard habit to break but it's important for your own good to stop lying for attention.

I hope that helps in someway because it can be damaging to a lot of people.Health Question & Answer

Apparently you need the recognition, that's just who you are. It sounds like the negative attention seeking was reinforced along the way and now it's habitual.

Just like we learn that when we get into the care we put on a seatbelt, new habits can be formed in 6-12 weeks of consistent action. The goal might be to get it in a more positive way that reflects the truth of who you are. If you let people see the real you, some will give you positive attention, some will not, but you will feel MUCH better about yourself and consequently you will need less and less external attention. Health Question & Answer

I used to do that too. I was ignored a lot as a kid, my mother either gave me a ton of attention or none at all. I learned that if I lie, lie, lie to my parents (and the more fascinating the story) the more attention I would get. This carried into adulthood, I especially tried to make up crazy stories for my husband's benefit and it worked. But I felt terrible about myself, so I simply decided to stop. I feel a lot better about myself now. It is easy to stop.Health Question & Answer

Well you already realise certain things, this is why you wrote the question. Everyone is different, and we all have things which we have, that others lack. I think you should just begin finding the good things in life and really enjoy them. When you are finding more enjoyment in your life, those things you had to do when you had wanted attention will fade away and feel silly. Become more curious about things, why do people act the way they do.? Change your outlook on life, because if you find new ways to feel good, then you will just radiate those feelings to others, as the sun radiates light and warmth we all feel. People are attracted towards nice people who can get along with them. So, find ways to interact with people, and find the joy in other things. You may find something suprising, and i dont know if you will find it right away, or if it will take a couple of days to find all the answers you are looking for yourself, in your own mind. Your mind knows what to do, just give it the time to help you do things in a new way.Health Question & Answer

SO are you lying now .?.?.?.? you didnt say what you like to lie about or if you are a liar you cheet so we dont know what you lie and cheet on or about.?.?.? so i will pick cause i am not a good lier ,cheater oh ill through in thief how far can you go .? crying and running out of a classroom f-----n plse keep running on monday this next one just try too tell the truth , blow this weekend off so lie cheat and steal .and on monday try talking some good truth if the peeps you hang with total BS then move on you keep on lying and ill bet all your stuff is on a front and a front on a front is bad all the lying is going to add up and its not going to matter when someone will walk up to you and it will be ON stop now while you have a chance and some friends who arrent sick of your BS they see rite through iit and rite on down the road ill say good luck and im not lieyingggg too ya ROCHealth Question & Answer

because you never had much attention maybe when you are younger.?
You will get tons of different answer in here. But the closest one would be inside you. Try digging who you truely are inside and know your personality is the best thing you can do.

- KRHealth Question & Answer

eventually people will catch on, if they aren't already on to u. its hard to keep up with lies. you will lose the trust of your peers. no one like to be around a person that's full of drama. find a way to get good attention, you will have way more funHealth Question & Answer

maybe you want others to show they care about you or they love you ...but you have to find out the answer yourself....Health Question & Answer

Because its fun ^_^Health Question & Answer

low self esteem and a poor image of yourself maybe.?Health Question & Answer

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