Okay so im having this dream feeling awake....?!

Question: Okay so im having this dream feeling awake.....?
its like i was awake having a dream but i was trapped inside of it.. it was really physcotic i was going crazy im my dream seeing stuff and like i9 went outside to find my freinds... they wasnt outside then i went through the house opened the front door and wasnt there either i turned around and they was all there... and i was seeing like demons and stuff.... but it was like i wasnt asleep just trapped inside... i dont remember falling asleep and ewaking up was so easy

i didnt take my medicine tonight so i dont know if that could be a factor...

But what does it mean.. and how was i dreaming if dont even know i was sleeping.Health Question & Answer

hmm well neglecting to take the medication may have had an impact, but you need to explain what kind of medication you take and for what reason...

and I can't say I know much about it at all, but I've heard of a thing called WILD (wake induced lucid dream) which is to induce a lucid dream in the waking state, but I believe I also read an individual usually sleeps after the dream. It sounds like your dream was definitely not lucid, so the WILD thing is not relevant to this, but just displaying the possibilities of dreaming while awake. google it and do some research.

and don't listen to judy...funny how she instantly blames the medication without even having a hint of what the medication is or what it is for. and any drug mainly effects and/or mimics the body's natural neurotransmitters. for example cocaine, which is a severely bad drug with severely bad side effects, blocks the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These are all neurotransmitters that are in the body naturally 100% of the time. Yes, about any drug has side effects, but to label all as severe and blame everything here on his medication is ignorant.Health Question & Answer

it may be Sleep Poralisis. Look it up on the internet! Lots of info...
Your body is asleep but your brain is awake, so your completely consious but you can still dream which is like a halucinaion.Some say your spirit IS walking around and you are halucnating/dreaming at the same time. Many say they see 'demons' for some reason thats common. I get it all the time. Usually if im stressed in combo with being so tired. I like it now.Health Question & Answer

Tonight you should try taking nyquil or anything that will get you to sleep easy, and see if that helps. If this keeps happening, then i would consider going to a therapist for answers. Health Question & Answer

i have dreams like that all the time. dont think much of it. i think it just means you are really stressed out. dont sweat it. Health Question & Answer

If you are taking any kind of medications, they can cause dreams like this. Hallucinations are an indicator. You are not crazy, you are drugged.

Meds remove vitamins and nutrients from your body, mess up the electrical system and cause severe effects. Look at the side effects on any meds you are on and go to www.cchr.org for more information.

You are basically being poisoned by drugs. Health Question & Answer

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