Death with Dignity: How does the medication work?!

Question: Death with Dignity: How does the medication work.?
When someone chooses to take the medication that causes death, what happens.? Do they die quickly.? Is it painful.? Do they get to go home and die in the comfort of their home.? Any information you might have is very appreciated!Health Question & Answer

Do you mean an overdose.?

There's really no such thing as dying with dignity, they never tell you this, but when you die your bowels give way and you piss and crap yourself. How dignified does that sound.? Not very, eh.?

I would guess your talking about death by a strong painkiller, eh.? Well painkillers make you bleed internally and it damages your kidneys, liver and even your brain and their bodies often vomit violently to try and get rid of the posion. Alot of people thing a prescription drug related death is painless, but sometimes it a slow, painful death. Sometimes, with certain meds, you'll fall asleep and never wake up, but it's hard to say for sure.Health Question & Answer

Could you add which country you are in, please.? Laws vary greatly on euthanasia from country to country.

I'll answer generally now, basing my answer on the Dignitas clinic in Zurich: if you go to a DwD center, you'll generally have to stay there with their nurses, since the administration of the euthanasia must be monitored carefully, and the death pronounced. You might ask about a home visit, especially if they're too ill to be moved or wish to end their life in the place they lived it.

The drug cocktail is designed to induce a coma, then end life, so it is tailored to be pain-free. There are actually two different cocktails: coma induction, then fatal dose. I believe the usual time into a coma is 20 minutes from administration, and then another 20 for cessation of life signs. Entering a chemical coma has been described as "drifting off" like any other anasthesia for an operation - my personal experience (when I was preparing to have my gallbladder removed) was that I didn't even notice when I fell asleep - my anaesthatist asked if I felt sleepy, and then I was out.

I hope this helps. Death with dignity is certainly possible.Health Question & Answer

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