Do Loratabs/Viodin affect your metabolism?!

Question: Do Loratabs/Viodin affect your metabolism.?
I have a friend that takes drugs containing codeine daily for chronic pain maintenance. She swears they have slowed down her metabolism, causing her to gain weight. Her diet is great and she began exercising vigorously 3-5 times a week once she realized she was gaining weightHealth Question & Answer

Paige I suggest you quit answering questions. You are highly uninformed and using the word "like" almost every sentence further proves my point. As in to the original question, Yes lortabs and vicodin have the power to slow down your metabolism after taking so many on a regular basis. You need to tell her to quit taking these and find an alternative for chronic pain because this contradicts her health. Health Question & Answer

Well by nature these pills are muscle relaxers. It can cause your heart rate to slow making you sleepy and un-energetic. So this in turn makes you not exercise and over time I am sure your metabolism will slow also. Health Question & Answer

they do for some people.
but it depends what her diet was and everything like exercise and stuff.
so it might be the drugs.Health Question & Answer

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