I weigh more than my boyfriend does! How do i lose weight without him knowing I!

The best way to lose weight is "EATING AND EATING AND EATING" Belived or not. "Eat make you loose weight" STARVING MAKE YOU "FAT" The detail is, if you don't eat, you're metabolism get stuck. (if you don't put gas on a car it doesn't turn on. RIGHT? Is the same with us. The more you eat the faster it is. eat breakfast at 8am, snack at 10am (apple) example, 12am lunch (tuna salad with all the "lettuce" that you can eat) at 2pm snack (pear) at 5pm dinner, at 8pm snack. And all day drink water try 1 gallon a day.If you don't like water; get crystal light and mixed with water. That will help you. And when you go out to dinner with your boyfriend, eat everything that you know is healthy for you. Let me know if is working for you. Ok I know is hard, but not impossible! Good Luck!

Other Answers:
why wouldn't you want him to know? he could provide some support and motivation for you.
I just lost 60 lbs.by eating more vegetables and taking smaller portions..plus I starting walking .your bf can join you!
why do you want to do this?
take it one day at a time and don't let know won bring you down
Weight gain and weight loss in my opinnion is more based on Foods habits than it is based on Exercise habits. Eating less, i.e. smaller portions, no snacks, or even limiting calories by avoiding sugar and junk foods will noto nly help you lose weight.but are also VERY HEALTHY for many other reasons.
I had a gf once that i could wear her pants. Anyway.she had been a BIG girl before we met.and the fact that she always took time out for herself to jog for example was very attractive.she seemed very motivated and independant was what attracted me to her. Plus she was fing Cute! :)
You can start by just eating smaller portions. Then you can chew your food longer, just to space yourself especially if you two eat together. You can also, do small muscle contractions while you are with your boyfriend like squeeze your stomach,or butt while standing. When you lift your purse or books, etc. pretend as if they weight 25 or 30 lbs. and you will get a small work-out as well. If you tell him for his support. he will just notice what you can't do or how you look.
do weights and you fat will turn into muscle mass


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