Are swollen glands commonly associated with canker sore outbreaks?!

Question: I live in China in a relatively remote area. Recently (over the past two months) I've had three outbreaks of canker sores accompanied by swollen lymph nodes and fatigue. The swelling and discomfort has always lasted for a day or two and goes away. I have been under some work related and personal stress lately to which I attribute the canker sore outbreaks, but the swollen glands have me a bit concerned. It is very inconvenient to get to a doctor to have things checked out. Does anyone else commonly get swollen glands along with canker sores? Thanks for the help.
out breaks of Herpes Simplex can be associated with stress on the body due to infection

Other Answers:
Nope, I've never heard of canker sores being associated with any other body ailment. You might want to seriously get that checked out.
I don't know about that, but swollen glands are associated with mumps.
The swollen lymph nodes are a reaction to an infection, the same thing happens with impitigo, go see a doctor.
well no cancker sores but i did have swollen glands once, a week after i got it i went to the dr and they just gave me penisilen and i went away but they didnt come back or anything.
These symptoms could be indicative of early stage autoimmune disease (like lupus). If this continues, despite the dentist's info, please travel to see a qualified physician for a complete workup.
swollen gland's can come from just about anything' if you have any sores on your body' a cold' a sinus infection' tooth problem's anything that can cause a infection in your body can make your gland's swell' my advice to you is to go see your doctor' the canker sores could be a sign that something is going on in your system' and if there bad enough i suppose it could make your gland's swell because there in your mouth' and anything that is causing you problem's in your mouth could be a sign of infection' or something in your immune system' gargling with worm salt water' will help clean and sterilize the canker sores in your mouth or get a antiseptic mouth wash also there is a essential amino acid' that is a healing agent for the body you can bye this at a drug store it is called L-Lysine THIS REPAIRS YOUR BODY TISSUE' from the in side and there is no side affects for this'it is also good for getting rid cold sores ' good luck' and god bless you ps' since you are in a remot place' if you can get cianne pepper' take a tea spoon of it at least once or twice a day put it in worm water and drink' this helps to clean the blood in your system' and get's rid of infection in your blood' good luck
use to be a pharmacy tec


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