How long does it take to see physical Results of exercise?!

Question: I have been running 3 miles every other day for the past 2 weeks and haven't noticed and physical change to my appearance. I have however noticed I have more energy and I seem to get hungry alot. When will I start to see physical change in my appearance?
Are you also cutting calories with your exercise. Weight loss and physical change is 80% nutrition and only 20% exercise. So, make sure you are cutting cals also. If you are already doing that, it is important that you incorporate weight training to your routine. running is awesome to burn fat, but having more lean muscle mass speeds up your metabolism and is more compact than just fat. If you do ALL of these things you should see results VERY quickly. Make sure you take your measurements and pictures when you start (or now) because it is hard to look back on where you came from and your progress if you have no evidence of where you were! Best of luck!

Other Answers:
running only strengthens the lungs and legs.if your want to add muscle and lose fat weightlifting is the best way
in a couple of weeks but thats only if you exercise everyday for an hour or so.
Physical changes from exercise can vary person to person. If you are just running your going to tone and build, results in about 4-6 weeks
It depends on your size. I noticed a change in about three weeks and when I started I was about 35 pounds overweight.
Running makes your lungs healther and your legs thicker. you have to run at least 2 months to see your legs thicker
it usually takes a few weeks but if you want a faster change you need to add different types of exercises like sit-ups, push ups, ect, but remember don't give up that is the worse you can do its also very important to watch what you are eating
You'll FEEL healthier almost immediately, however you won't see any physical results for about 4-6 weeks


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