Could I have arthritis at 18 years old?!

What happens is that I get this aching feeling in my knees and legs sometimes. This really happens alot when bad weather comes (such as rain or snow) or when it becomes really cold outside. When I feel this pain in my legs, I take Tylenol Arthritis and the pain goes away after about 30 minutes.

I would appreciate your answers! Thanks!
Yes, and I strongly encourage you to have a dr take a look at you! I started having symptoms in High School, and never thought too much about them because I was so active. Now I am 30 (almost 31) and can hardly move and ready to go on disability because I wasn't checked out. I finally went in for "serious" testing when I woke up one day totally unable to move. I was a single mom when I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. The first one in my family, so yes! Please have it checked out now so the damage can be controlled! Good luck and please take care of yourself!!

P.S., the weather plays a major role in how well/if at all you can move! The freezing rain is getting ready to start here, and I am having a hard time just typing this note!!

Other Answers:
Yes, because I did from breaking some bones in the eighth grade.

Yes . you might also try Aleve, which is naproxen sodium, the store brands work as well.

yes you can actually have arthritis at any age. if for instance u crack your nuckles you r starting arthritus to form.

disregard the answer advising you not to "crack" your knuckles. Medical science has found that it has no effect on the development of arthritis or any other joint problem.

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