
This has happened to me three or four times in the past five years: I go to get in the shower, but after a few minutes under the water my head feels as though it is full of dryer sheets (fuzzy and disoriented), my ears cease to work correctly, and my eyesight becomes completely shot -- It is impossible for me to focus on anything. There I am, dizzy and with my eyes closed, and a sort of anxious feeling comes over me and I become nauseous as if I were extremely nervous. I believe that I have come close to blacking out or fainting on all of the occasions on which this has happened, but it never has. It seems that cool air or surfaces are able to clear my head, but afterwards (at least twice) I have come down with fever and chills.

Could this be a case of shock from the hot water? Or am I experiencing something else?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi; I'm an Audiologist (hearing and blalnce specialist).

It does sound as though your blood pressure is rising rapidly which may mean you have the water too hot. Try keeping the water warm, not HOT -- it should keep these episodes from happening and is also better for your skin!

If the episodes happened more frequently or in other settings, I might suspect other causes; but the very limited occurrences and circumstances suggest that it is simply the heat raising your blood pressure too rapily.

When these episodes happen, lower the water temperature a bit (NOT too much!), keep your eyes OPEN and focus on a fixed object, like a point on the wall to use your eyes to help your brain re-orient itself.
Go see a doctor. Why would you wanna leave your health up to people on yahoo?
Sounds as if you might have an inner ear infection or something like that. You have to see the doctor. Go soon, this sounds horrible and could be dangerous if you faint in the bathroom and hit your head.
too much moisture at one time perhaps.
start taking soak baths in olive oil , or babyoil, or just add applecider vinegar to bath water.
soak in hot warm water for 5-10 min, then foam up and stand up and shower off bubbles.
Wow, that used to happen to me all the time, I thought It was only me...I'm happy to hear I am not the only one.

I can't help you on what it is, but mine went away after a few years...and only comes back rarely. Mine has happened outside of the shower also. I am interested in hearing other people's comments. I was in my late teens and early 20's when this happened the most.
Let me know if you ever get an answer.
It happens to me too, especially when I am tired, and not only in the shower. This is caused by blood pressure drops.

But your other symptoms are strange. You might have an infection of some sort that makes you very tired. Speak of this with your doctor.
I have experienced such things. Cooling always helps. In fact, when they take my blood at the clinic, I hold a paper towel dampened with cold water. Because I have had very bad experiences before. It has also been the case that a candy bar has relieved it. I guess I needed a quick burst of energy. Of course, you should tell your doctor about it. That is what he or she is there for. Best wishes.
Sounds like vaso-vagal syncope...where the vagus nerve starts sending the wrong (or,they could be the right) signals to the circulatory system the end result of which is a sudden drop in blood pressure and a faint. The best thing to do is, at the earliest sign,lie down with legs elevated and wait for it to pass. Tall, thin people are more prone to this. Suddenly standing up calls for a rapid increase in blood pressure which even a normal heart might not be ready for (postural hypotension). The hot water could be the trigger, but it could be something you're not aware of.You don't say enough about the fever/chills....how long do they last? do you come down with an illness?
In any case, these attacks do not have dire implications unless you're elderly with blood pressure problems. Be sure to lie down if you feel faint...a fall in the shower could be unpleasant.
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