does masturbation makes a guy weak???

would masturbation will result in weaking like hair loss , vitamin dificiancy and others

Thanks to the Swiss scientists, we know know that regular male(as well as female for that matter) ejaculation is a GOOD thing. In men, it promotes better overall blood flow to the genitals as well as keeping(to a certain point) the bladder and urethra clean and healthy. For women, it keeps the naturally occurring bacteria inside the vaginal cavity healthy and urinary track(because of how short and close to the vaginal opening) healthy too. For men, regular ejaculation lets the body know it needs more testosterone produced. Hence, guys who (pardon the term here please dear readers) slap the salami are actually better off than those who don't.
Masturbation, sexual intercourse, head whatever is all good stuff. You should worry about losing hair and have vitamin deficiency if YOU DONT HAVE SEX OR MASTURBATE because you just cant get hard. Now that is a problem and worth losing hair issue.
Absolutely not. Your body does not need the protein in semen it is made as extra.
It depends on who you ask. Hair loss is usually genetic or stress based, vitamin deficiency means you need to eat healthier. If you eat well and excercise then why worry about it?
No, its actually very good exercise. And very natural
i choke my chicken 8 times a day for 45 years and i feel fine
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·does masturbation??
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·does masturebate affect body?
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