how can a 13 year old boy lose wieght in a month?

hi i want to lose 15lbs and i want to do healthfully. I need help on how to lose weight lose a belly gut and get more muscles and get abs. Please be specific tanx

you are 13 years old ,..go ask your parents to get involved, may not even need to lose weight.
eat pickled herring
Don't eat.
what id do is just like.. Run about 7miles a week about 21miles total and maybe lift some weights.. do curl ups.. eat healthy like make starwberry banana smoothie with real ftuits and drink that instead of soda. dont eat bread cuz thats known to get you fat and drink plenty of water.
Run to loose weight and eat healthy. and sit ups for abs
Why is a 13 year old boy so concerned about his weight. If you think you want to lose weight... just eat healthier and excercise more..... and why do you need to lose it soooooo quick? It takes time and persistance. Go for it!
Eat right, exercises, if you want to get muscle lift weights
go on a diet.. tri eating vegetables and fruits and go running with a friend... with ur dog( if u have one)....go to the gym don't be afraid to make some muscles.. BUT ur still growing stop worring about ur weight( like i should talk)
Have fun
Don't eat sweets and salty snacks, and don't drink soda.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits of different colors, and try to eat poultry and fish instead of red meat. When you eat chicken, make sure to remove the skin and fat first, and always remove the fat from red meat.

Use salt sparingly, and drink lots of water.

P.S. A 13-year-old doesn't need big abs. Just be healthy, and you'll look and feel great!
Stop ditching P.E.

No, but seriousely,
That is a good amount of time for the weight goal.
You can even ask your P.E. or health teacher to help you come up with a plan. First, diet: In the morning eat a lot of carbs. Like eggs, ham, Bread. A lot of dairy and and starch.
Breakfast should be the BIGGEST meal of the day.
for lunch, again go with carbs, but concentrate mainly on vegies and fruits, Eat a plentifull salad, maybe a little meat,
and fruite for dessert.

Dinner should not be a big meal, as most people believe. when the directions tell you serving size. Eat the recomended serving size. have about three variaties of food,ie: corn, chicken and mashed potatos.
With the small serving size.

The thing is, you may still feel hungry, but after you finish a meal, waite 20 minutes, and you won't be hungry. Don't eat till your full, eat only as much as the energy you need.

The exercise, if you go out and do any physical activities for about 1 to 2 hours a day, Hey your a boy, go play basketball, or my personal favorite, HOCKEY!!!!!
For the belly, sit ups, crunches, focus on those parts. And funny as it is,
Laughing helps burn off belly fat. And create nice 6 packs, and not the alcoholic kind.
You'll be there in no time. Good Luck.

Just a question,
Are you doing this for a GIRL!!!

Adolescents who are dieting should be under the care and guidance of a doctor.

That being said, if you don't exercise excessively or go on a crash diet, you don't REALLY need to consult with a doctor.

My foster son moved in with me when he was 13. He was pudgy and wanted to do something about it. I recommended that he exercise regularly and watch his fat intake. In the last year and a half he's grown about 5 inches in height, so that helped with the pudginess by itself, but he also has a much smaller gut, though he isn't skinny by any means.

He walks regularly, probably around 10 miles a week--it isn't too much, but it's a lot more than he was walking before. He is also careful not to gorge himself on fatty foods like bacon.

If you want to lose weight I would recommend getting out and walking 2-4 miles a day 4-5 times a week, or biking for 45 minutes a day at a moderate pace (not racing, but not really slow either). When you eat, try to be careful to choose foods that are nutritious and low-fat. You don't have to eat silly things like your mom on a diet, just try to look at the calorie count on the package. Don't count calories (though if you notice the brownie you're thinking about eating has 800 calories, you should probably just put it down!), but make sure that the foods you eat have 1/3 or less fat calories. Most packaged foods will show you the total calories and the fat calories. Divide the total calories by 3 and if that number is higher than or equal to the fat calories, it is a reasonable food. Note that this means you can get away with eating sugary foods, but if you DO eat sugary foods, you will lose weight more slowly. Marshmallows, for example, are non-fat but obviously are not a good food for someone who is trying to lose weight!

Building muscles is completely different from dieting. You can build muscle without dieting and you can diet without building muscles. To build abdominal muscles you can do exercises like sit-ups or crunches. Talk to your gym class teacher to find out how to do them correctly--doing them wrong won't do you any good! Make sure you only do as many as you can without hurting yourself. This might mean that you start with 10 a day and add one per day for a month. To build arm muscles you can lift weights. If you lift free weights be sure to do it with someone who can spot for you--you would be better off to do it with a strength training machine as they are safer. The walking and biking will help build your leg and butt muscles, but you can also use a strength training machine for that as well.

Youth memberships at the YMCA usually run about $40 per year. The staff there can help you choose which exercises are good for you.

Good luck!
you're too young to start thinking about losing weight. not unless is you're overwieght. play a sport
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