does GERD causes chestpains?

my doctors then said i have anxiety, i experienced chestpains on my left side i had my ecg checked thrice and everything came out normal including xray. they said i have GERD that causes my chestpain almost everyday! i'm so scared everytime i feel the pain, does anybody out there in same situation / or experienced the same thing? is it really like that? i mean almost everyday? i'm a filipina, i would be glad to know your nationalities also. The doctors said that its not about the heart, please help me clear my mind by sharing your experiences with regards to this. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND GOD BLESS!

I too experience GERD....yet never has it caused me chest pains like you're describing.....GERD has to do with your esophagus reflexing uncontrollably, causing your stomach acids to shoot upwards and burn the lining in your throat, which is the main cause of the pain....did your doctor recommend a change in diet, do you smoke/drink alchohol/caffeine regularily? These things aggravate GERD along with spicy foods , tomatoes etc....

I am caucasian from Canada...and from reading up on GERD I know it has nothing to do with your nationality, it has alot to do with stress/anxiety and of course what you're putting into your body.

If you really do have GERD, then rest assured it isn't about your heart, although if you're experiencing it almost every day then you should consider even over the counter medication plus a change in lifestyle....I prefer acid tablets too the liquids, they go down easier....Milk of Magnesium works well for me...although I too have unexpected attacks and so far they say there's nothing you can do about it, you'll have it for life....sorry, it's depressing but you can reduce your symptons like I said above...

Good luck to you hun, hope you feel better and I think you should get a second opinion just to be safe, ok? Take care...
Yes,GERD/Acid Reflux,Anxiety attacks, all 3-can cause chest pain.Believe me I know.And I have all 3 . I use to think it was my heart too.But,my heart is fine.I get that pain quite a bit.So,your not alone.It used to Scare me too.But,now I just put up with it.It's hard(I know).I use to run to the E.R. almost everytime.But,Believe me when I say your alright!
Gerd mixed with anxiety is bad news. The anxiety triggers the Gerd to flare up and thus the pain in your chest as the gastric acid from your stomach backs up into the esophagus. It will eventually burn the esophagus. You must be on a medication to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Like Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium. You must take it regularly even if you don't think you need it. It does not work right away but over time and continued treatment. You must get the anxiety under control to control the Gerd. I have severe Gerd and anxiety.
I take my medication regulaly and it is pretty well controlled.
The reflux caused by the Gerd can feel like a heart attack. You can feel short of breath and the more anxious you get the worse it gets. I am caucasian of Dutch decent. Good luck and calm down.
God Bless you too,,, Gerd is a reflux disorder causing you to reflux , or have indigestion from foods or certain foods. There are medications you can take to help this reflux but, it does cause pain and pressure feeling like chest pain until it is resolved, Talk to your doctor until then slowly drink some carbonated bev such as ginger ail or cola. The soda will help you belch and relieve pressure in your upper airway that causes you pain. Good luck
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