Does FRUTELS for acne work?

Has anyone tried these? I read a couple of reviews online that were successful with this product but there weren't too many written reviews.


I've been using frutels for about a month now, and they have definately worked for me. I have really sensitive skin, so products with salyscilic acid and benzoyl peroxide usually aggaravate my skin. It usually gets red and my breakouts never really go away.

Frutels have been working for me though; I get a zit here and there every once in a while, but I don't get any major break outs. I think they're a pretty new product which explains why there's not much commentary out there. A friend of mine reccomended that I try them. On their website, they say they have a 70% success rate, and I haven't been able to find success rates on the clearasil website, so that must be good.

They're pretty cheap too. I bought my first pack at Ricky's for $6. I figured I didn't have much to lose trying em.

Good luck!
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