Do repeat kidney stones become easyer to pass?

I had my first kidney stone about 5 years ago, and when it came I thought I was going to die!!! I now have the feeling somthing is back, but just have minor discomfort. Am I now used to the effects and therfore not bothered by it? or have my tubes been enlarged and therfore able to pass easerer?

The DO NOT get any easier. I'd definitely see your doctor. It may or may not be a stone. If it is you want to retrieve it so they can determine what caused it so you can be treated to avoid them in the future. I know what you mean about the pain. I had nine attacks in a two week period. They were never able to retrieve my stone so I may or may not get them again.

For those who have never had one.... Stone(s) have pointed edges, almost like tentacles, that try to hang on. It's not the size that hurts as much as when they are stuck and won't move. They don't hurt when they're moving. Mine was minuscule and didn't even show up on any of the tests but only a Demerol IV could relieve the pain and then it only took the edge off. As I said... size doesn't matter.
I'm not a doctor. Go see one.
I have'nt met any MAn or Woman on earth that that said Kidney stone passing does'nt hurt.
No. No they do not. That's like thinking if you stub your toe once it'll hurt less the next time you stub your toe.
I think soo but you cant really trust me you should go see a docter xoxo,kisa
they can blast them away now ,and they go into tiny little peices and this do not hurt see your doc about having this done ,it will save you a lot of pain
No they are not easier to pass. You might just have a bit more hydration in your system. I have had 2 ,13 years apart. If you have an thought that you have one drink tons of water, this is the only thing that can ensure a stone will keep its momentum thru the tube to your bladder. If you can stand it a bit of walking, to help move it downwards helps to. Good luck Happy New Year.
Trust me, they don't become any easier to pass. Stones tend to vary is size, so small ones are usually easier to pass than large ones.

1) See your doctor. A urinalysis that is positive for blood in your case is highly suggestive of another stone.
2) Drink a couple of quarts of WATER daily to help flush things out.
well it all depends...i think that it doesnt get easier...if its a small stone then it wont hurt that bad but if its a larger one then it will matter wat i think that it will not get easier...but im no friend gets kidney stones and every time she feels like shes going to die herself...i wish i could help more...but u can research it on a health web site...maybe chat wit a doctor on-line that can help...but other than this...i dont know wat else to say...but good luck with ur health...and have a very happy new year!!
not necessarily
what did you do to annoy god cause no one should be put through that once let alone twice
Not necessariyl. I also suffer from Kidney Stones and I can sympathise with anyone who has them.

There are two main types of stone, Calcium Stones and Uric Acid stones. Calcium stones show up on x-rays whilst Uric Acide ones do not.

There is no consistancy on the size of the stone.

People who have stones can say that they are members of the plink-plink club - the sound of the stones hitting the bottom of the toilet!

Before I got married, I had a terrible diet. I was eating fast food every day and drinking 2 x 2l bottles of full fat coke daily.

Since being married, over 12 years now, I've only had 2 bouts of stones. My diet has changed and I rarely drink fizzy drinks. I eat sensibly as well.

The other thing, people with kidney stones can suffer from, is gout.
No personal experience of this - but after eight years of working with doctors in South Africa I can safely say that kidney stones do not get easier to pass. You need to have laser treatment or surgery. Good luck. That is one of the most painful things to experience. I have seen grown men curl up in the foetal position and cry - because the pain is so intense. Hope you manage to get everything sorted out soon.
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