do mary kay products really work?

I use proavtive for my acne and I am looking for something for anti aging. Do the products really work

I love them. I have very break-out prone, oily skin and have used pro-active, Clinique, most drugstore brands and Mary Kay. My skin improved so much when I started on MK, that I become devoted to only it (I signed up to sell it a couple year's later to receive the discount).

I used it in Jr. high, and for some reason quit using it sometime in highschool. I tried a bunch of stuff in between. Went back on it in college and haven't quit.

I love that it is cheaper than most department store brands and the anti-aging line is fantastic! I really like that even teh anti-aging stuff has products for combo/oily skin (which you don't see in all lines).

If you want more info or have questions about specific products, email me!
No. Junky products full of mineral oil. Try a health food store for good products
try B. Kamins
I bought one eye gel once. It did't work. So I never pay attention to mary kay products any more.
I think they worked great for me.........
Call a Mary Kay representative and ask her to give you a demonstration. She will apply the right colors for you and give you samples to try. When you have tried the cosmetics, you will know if they work well for you.

Thousands of women swear by Mary Kay. Only you will know if the products are for you.
no i use jafra the best ever
they work for a little while then they make your skin worse. i cant use any of their products any more
I believe they do work. However I have found a product that works much better. Try Arbonne NutriminC RE9 line. I have used the masque, face wash, toner, day & eye creme for almost two years with great results. Go to for more on this line. Let me know how you like it!
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