Do little kids get zits?

Is it common for 4-6 year olds to get zits? What about babies? Is it normal? What can be done about them? Is it something the kid is eating or drinking? Or is the kid not washing his face well enough?

Breast fed babies often get them, leave them alone though, they go away on their own.

Zits are caused by clogged pours, so it is very possible for kids to get them, they just are not as prone to them as teens, due to the amount of oil in their skin, just wash with a gentle cleaner and clean face cloth.
well my little brother had baby acne when he was a baby and you can still see the scars and he's 7.. so the answer is yes
Yes, my nephew had them when he was a baby and a little boy... then it cleared up. But now hes 14, puberty is setting in and he has acne all over again!! (he never complains tho, hes a good kid)
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