Do I use the right dose of Lantus and Humalog insulins?

I am a case of IDDM i intected 55 unit mixtard 30/70 two times per day. Now I shiftted to Lantus and HUMALOG. I inject 28 unit Lantus AT BED TIME AND APROX 5 UNIT HUMALOG AFTER BREAKFAST 8-10 UNIT HUMALOG AFTER LUNCH AND DINNER .Do I USE THE RIGHT DOSE? MY BS IS IN normal range.Have you any recomendation for me?

The best advice I ever got about this was that your blood sugar in the morning should be the same as it was before you went to bed, because this means that your background dose (lantus) is right. You should ask your dr about carb counting or dafne courses if you have type 1 diabetes as these can help you to get your control better and mean that you have heaps more freedom about what and when to eat. But if your blood sugars are ok then that's a pretty good sign your dose is right for you. I now use a pump but you're on almost exactly the same as what I took when I was on lantus/humalog. Remember everyone needs different amounts of insulin depending on their metabolism, diet, level of exercise etc. - it's really a case of trial and error to find out what's right for you, but if you're blood sugars are good and you're not feeling ill (esp. if you're not feeling like you've been hit by a bus in the mornings as this means you could be hypo during the night and might need to reduce your lantus dose) then don't worry - you're doing better than most! Hope that helps - good luck xx
The right dose is based on your glucose levels, so if they are within normal limits you are doing a good job. Also your hemoglobin A1C can tell you how well your diabetes is under control. You should aim for 6.5 or lower.
The amount you are supposed to inject is different for everybody, if you start to use a different type of insuline the amount you have to inject might also be different. The best thing is to just check your blood glucose more often in the beginning and see if your stable. If thats okay, you are injecting the right amount of insulin, you might want to inject less when you know you are going to do something very active, and inject more if you know you are going to eat more( at a party for example)
If your blood sugar is in the normal range then id doesn't sound like you need any recomendation. Your doctor should be the only person that you listen to on how to dose yourself. Never some stranger on line.
i dunno...everyone is different
Why are you asking a bunch of strangers?

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