Did you notice a big difference in ur skin quality when you QUIT SMOKING?

just wondering if your skin got even more supple, collagen returning and some elasticity? just wondering it's all true about smoking once someone starts over a long period of time.
so what's ur experience so far having quit smoking--ur skin quality? improved? the same?

If your talkin about smokin pot its becuase wen u stop smokin pot evry thing becomes real agian so u start noticing the tiniest differrences because u become more alert in yo thinkin.If your talkin about regular smokin is cuz smokin kills cells in yo body includin skin cells so yo skin will look better cuz ther are not as many dead cells on the surface.So if u quit smokin u r aculy makin a sexyr u.

P.S. If u do smoke pot lose it like i did.I just lost it this week for good.
yes i did it seem as if it cleared up some and i don't brake out any more.
i dont smoke
I have never smoked
yes everything improved skin color,hair,sexual desire,appetite
go for it
probably less wrinkles around the mouth
I'm a smoker and I've had poor complexion since my teens. My mum always uses this as a way to get me to quit 'Your skin will be much smoother if you stop smoking'. Obviously that didn't work.

I've checked up the net for 'proves' on this but nothing really substantiate much. Smoking kills your lungs. Not your skin. Break outs are sometimes caused by stress which ironically smoking helps reduce! Go figure! =)
I noticed a big difference about 2 months after I quit.
I also have had mild-bad acne since 13 and I am almost completely clear. Not to mention my skin glows rather then looking dull and patchy... I defentally think smoking has a huge effect on your skin.
Yes. You become fairer, your skin becomes smoother, the reddish spots are gone. and your lips are red again.
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